stupid question...How to create stairs?

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  • Hey guys,

    I´ve got a really stupid question...but I seem not to be able to answer it to my self.
    How can I create/Craft stairs? I see them in Videos or read about them in the forums (how to move/turn them etc.) which means
    that they do exist and can be crafted already. But how exactly do I do this?
    I´ve got installed all necessary workbenches already, but havent found the respective class that holds stairs to craft.
    Can someone please tell me which workbench I need for this or what I´ve got to do?


  • You need the blockbench. Then you choose a texture (a block) and click on the arrows in the preview window (purple color in this picture), I think it is the next form. Sorry, the text is in German though, it is from my steam guide, but I am working on the English version atm:

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