PickIt - Pick up blocks instantly!

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • This little mod makes blocks go directly into your inventory, when you destroy them with any tool.

    Do not use a hammer anymore or you'll get a block into your inventory and also a block on the ground. (or do it if you want to multiply blocks :P)

    Be careful! If your inventory is full then blocks will just be destroyed.

    Works in Singleplayer and Multiplayer. Just extract the .zip file into your plugins folder.

    Source Code: https://paste.ofcode.org/38Wahny2RbvNr8PfyLRp7bZ


    • PickIt.zip

      (1.99 kB, downloaded 566 times, last: )

    Edited 2 times, last by Kassa ().

  • Just updated the mod. It didn't really work because the block id's / shapes were wrong and you'd get random false blocks in your inventory. Now it works for all shapes. In the source code you can see it took a bit of work, but now it works flawlessly. If any block shape doesn't work report it please. I tested it a bit and all shapes I tested worked fine.

    Download link is updated in the first post.

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