[Plugin] - Gestures

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • This plugin adds an item where you can do gestures with your (Right) Hand.

    Simply equipping this item will make you Wave.

    Clicking LMB (Left Mouse Button) will make you do a Thumbs-Up.

    Clicking RMB (Right Mouse Button) will make you do a Facepalm.

    You can craft the Gestures item for free in the General crafting tab of your player inventory under the category "Gestures".

    Download Plugin:


    • Gestures.zip

      (606.32 kB, downloaded 425 times, last: )


    Lead Developer & Owner of Bytewerkz Ltd. (based in Colorado, United States).

    Multiplayer/Netcode Programmer & Logic Programmer for Zombie Survival Game Online (ZSGO).

    Edited once, last by yellow51 ().

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