"risingworldx64.exe has stopped working"

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • When i select start rising world, it opens a black command window, with the title saying "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\risingworldx64...". In the window, there is no text whatsoever, only a blank black screen.How can i fix this, if it is possible?
    System Information
    Processor: Inter(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz 2.30 GHZ
    Installed RAM: 8.00 GB (7.89 GB usable)
    System type: 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
    Edition: Windows 8.1 (ASUS Laptop)
    Activation: Windows is activated

  • Please go into the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RisingWorld\_CommonRedist\vcredist\2013"
    Then run the vcredist_x64.exe and Repair.

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