[Request] Fixed Spawn Points

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  • Hello Guys ...

    ... first, sorry for my bad english but I hope you understand me. Give me a Chance. ;)

    Unfortunately I have no experience with the program from Lua scripts. Therefore, I hope that you or anyone can make me an Lua script.
    However, I must say that I'm just a Rising World Admin server and not the owner. However, I have the power to look around for new scripts.

    I'm looking for a script that allows me to set one or several fixed spawn points. More specifically, to me this script allow to save Spawn points as admin to the players, "anytime" access.

    Example :

    I, as an admin, am at the point where I want to have a spawn point and then give the command /setspawn <name>. This spawn point is then integrated into the game and can be used where you chat for normal users - enter command /spawn <name>. Of course, it should also be possible to delete his spawn points again for example with /delspawn <name> or displaying Spawn name /spawnlist with.

    I write best list with the commands and what it should do for both admins and for the users.

    Spawn Commands for Admins:

    /aspawnhelp - This command displays all commands to spawn for the admin.

    /setspawn <name> - This command sets a spawn point to the place where you find yourself with a <desired name> (without <>).

    /delspawn <name> - This command deletes the spawn point with the <desired name> (without <>).

    /setwspawn - This command sets the world spawn fast to the new players for the first time to spawn when they join the server.

    /delwspawn - This command deletes the world spawn.

    /spawnlist - This command displays the stored spawn points by name.

    Spawn Commands for players:

    /spawnhelp - This command displays the description of the Spawnbefehle.

    /spawn - This command teleports you to the world spawn.

    /spawn <name> - This command teleports you to the spawn point with the <desired name> (without <>).

    /spawnlist - This command displays the stored spawn points by name.


    One or the other of you knows the commands probably still from Minecraft. : D
    The purpose of this spawn commands is our current project on our server I'm working on. Currently I am building 4 cities in 4 different time periods. Players should therefore be possible to visit these places.

    It makes sense to combine these commands with the Zscript would.

    We currently use the following scripts:

    - ZScript
    - AreaProtection

    If someone actually make the effort, I would like to write the script myself very much in advance thank you for the work and effort.


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