We would like to see more block shapes

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  • This game has so much already, and you're working on so much more. Please take this as just suggestions for down the road, first a block shaped "peak" to cap a pitched roof.
    and curved blocks that could be used for larger circles and curved building projects. I do understand curved surfaces in a grid system is problematic just something to think about. Please keep the ability to play a peaceful mode in the game
    for us pacifists, I like building something in the wild and not have to be looking over my shoulder all the time. ( I have four bears hanging around my place I just enjoy watching). I wouldn't mind having to protect my "crops" (garden) from pesky critters. rabbits, moose, goats, and the possibility of fencing in some cattle, as a way to keep supply's "on the hoof" so to speak. Once again this game has so much potential to become not just a good, but great game for a very diverse group of players. please keep up the great work and am looking forward to all the upcoming features and additions.
    trkdrvr60 :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup:

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