Couple of other suggestions

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  • Slow down hunger a little more. Is it just me? Seems I spend 60% of game time eating.

    Be able to move crafted items without destroying them.

    I'd like walking to be closer to sprint speed and sprint speed faster, just seems like I'm crawling. And the sound of walking is like I'm wearing tap shoes or high heels :P

    It would also be nice to be able to "crouch" and lean over the block you're on to add to it without falling off (your roof)

    I'm still struggling with the ladder. Going up is easy, but coming down, I fall most of the time.

    Add another torch type, maybe one with a nail so you can easily and quickly set it up on the cavern wall.

    Silver Ore is hard to see. It might just be me. I'm a little bit color blind. But it just blends in with the rock. (I haven't found any Aluminum yet, might be same?)

    Secondary click on door/chest to open? Or would that interfere with something else?

    Lamp for ceiling won't flip upside down? Or even 90° to mount flush on wall.

  • Slow down hunger a little more. Is it just me? Seems I spend 60% of game time eating.

    Seems fine to me. I only notice this, when I am doing something other than the game for too long while it runs in the back.

    I'd like walking to be closer to sprint speed and sprint speed faster, just seems like I'm crawling.

    Seems fine to me, as well. I actually would not find it realistic if you could sprint even faster with a pickaxe. But I guess it could work like in CS:GO, e.g. that when you have just a knife (or nothing at all) equiped, you could sprint a lot faster. Might actually be a good thing, if you would walk very slowly when you have a plank in your hand - for the purpose of realism as well as that the player e.g. uses weapons more, and not only in fights.

    And the sound of walking is like I'm wearing tap shoes or high heels

    Well, you should not play CS:GO then, I guess. Still don't get the sounds there ^^

    It would also be nice to be able to "crouch" and lean over the block you're on to add to it without falling off (your roof)

    Good suggestion. This reminds me of that the crouching does not look like you are actually crouching anymore since some update @red51 idk ^^

    I'm still struggling with the ladder. Going up is easy, but coming down, I fall most of the time.

    Yup, no CS:GO for you :P

    Add another torch type, maybe one with a nail so you can easily and quickly set it up on the cavern wall.

    Are the wooden and metal torchmounts not good enough for this already? But actually might be a good idea to have a more simplyfied torch to put on walls in a mine. Or that you can set a torch on a thing like this when you go down in a shaft (besides some modern lamp you can put on your helemt of course). And you should then also be able to put torches on mine carts, when they are in the game.

    Secondary click on door/chest to open? Or would that interfere with something else?

    Would work and be useful I guess. Might just disable this function for stuff you can place. E.g. when you have a block out, you should not be able to open a chest with the right mouse, since you could accidently place the block in your world etc.

  • What's CS:GO? I'll stay clear of it, lol. I haven't messed with the torch mounts yet. I was thinking that they were only for constructed walls. Learned something new. However, just starting out, without the use of the "L-key" for cheater light. I'd find it really hard to get enough materials (Coal and Ore) while digging (where you can see) to make the torches needed to go deeper. I suppose I could just make an outrageously large open pit until I find what I need, and hope it's enough to get deeper to find more, lol.

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