Building a very large stairway fast?

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  • What a fun game to play when you love building stuff with nice friends! Love it!

    I wonder if there is an easier way of building a very large staircase? If I do the /we select on an area and the /we place stair [id] west the steps start from west and run up toward east. Well, that is, the steps are facing the correct way but there are no staircase. The command only produce a huge block of steps not assembled as a staircase. Is there a way to do this as of now?

    If not maybe there is a way of catching (in code) that this is supposed to be a staircase, record the startblock/-chunk position, and finally traverse the whole selected area by adding a block up/down until reaching the endblock/-chunk position? Am I far off here...?

  • Well, yes, this is possible :P

    The simplest process I can think of for your use case is this :

    1. Build a step as a template
    2. Select an area around the step
    4. With the area selected, instruct a script to reproduce the placement of the blocks in the selection in an incremental pattern, with x, y, and z increments specified, with a limi

    An example of such command could be :

    /we replicate <count> <x increment> <y increment> <z increment>

    However, this can have a serious impact on the game if coded in Lua, as placing a single block will broadcast to all players... then imagine someone selecting an entire house and replicating it 30 times! .. Yes, if a script can allow something, you bet someone will do it.

    This feature will be implemented at some point, but not now. But consider that it is already faster and easier with world-edit to build things :) you can use the arrow keys in the chat to re-execute older commands. With the -p flag, it's only a matter of replacing the selected area with the arrow keys. ;)

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