What means this error?

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • It is complaining about an error in your definition.xml for the SunnyScript. Each lua script that isn't included in other lua scripts (a standalone script to be loaded by the server) must have a definition.xml file so that the server knows how to load it. Can you post your definition.xml file for the SunnyScript?

    This is an example of how one should look:

    <Description>A script used to define and protect areas</Description>
  • <Lua-Script>
    <Description>This is a script for the Sunny Rising Server</Description>
    <Author>Maxey and Seya</Author>
    <Team>Sunny Rising Team</Team>

    oh mabe It's because I forgott the License :|

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