Can these commands be defined within config?. Also having trouble with W/s keys tahing me too far up/down. Have reset key delay etc but no real change.
set r/l/p
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can some one help me using these commands ?
How can we help you, specifically?
what is the "format'" of these commands (set r ????) ? what means the r/l/p ? sry I don't speak german and i'm not so good in english
"set r/l/p" condenses in one string three different commands: setr, setl, setp. They control how precise or coarse will be the effect of the placing commands (rotation, size, position) used by the New Construction System, the one used for instance to place wood planks.
setr stands for "set (precision of) rotation" and controls how precisely a piece will rotate for each rotation command, while placing for instance a plank or a beam. It has 4 settings "low" (45°) "default" (15°), "high" (5°), "veryhigh" (1°).
It is used by opening the console (NOT the chat, the console!) and typing for instance setr high and pressing Enter.
setl stands for "set (precision of) length" and controls how much a piece will become bigger or smaller for each sizing command. For the rest it is very similar to setr.
setp stands for "set (precision of) position" and controls how much a piece will move for each moving command. For the rest it is very similar to setr.
Does this help you somehow?
Yes, thank you ! the rotation seems usefull
When working on small details, also setl and setp can be very useful.
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