Petroglyphs and Cave Art

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • (Not that you don't already have enough to do. . . . )

    This Mother Earthly and primitive feel of 0.9 makes me want to draw on the walls. How fitting it would be to mark my avatar's existence in this raw landscape with some rock art.
    We find these often while hiking in my neighborhood.

    (BTW, if you need any specific research on your saguaro / Sonoran desert landscapes, @red51, let me know. I'm *here*.)

    "The most beautiful stories always start with wreckage." ~Jack London

  • I tried to duplicate it using posters. But apparently me setting the image to 50% transparent did not translate into the game. But I think if I played around with the image a bit in photoshop then I could get a close comparison:

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