Item Requirements

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  • Hello Red51!

    I just wanted to know if there is a way on changing the requirements for each item you want?

    for all Admins to set a more challenging way to craft your items?

    For example:

    Sledge Hammer:


    Stick x 2
    Iron Ingot x4

    I would love to set this item like this

    Sledge Hammer:


    Stick x 12
    Iron Ingot x24

    Only because when you hit another block, instead of destroying the block its added to your inventory.

    So i would rather it be a little tougher to acquire.

  • Iron tools in general could be more expensive in iron I think. We can find iron ore pretty easy, and now, with the same amount of iron, we can craft an iron tool or 2 muskets balls. also, the mining drill (whitch is very fun and much appreciate for future huge builds) need to be harder to get. Actually, on my new world I got the mining drill before the steel pickaxe (witch is pretty damn cool, but suffer of the mining beast). Add mitrhil to the recipe at least.

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