default server problems

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  • Hi guys bought this game well impressed, I played single player, then tried the default server for multi player I started to build etc got a fairly good base, but when I tried to get back onto the default server it comes up in red then trying to connect I got the mismatch message which I find strange
    as I had been playing for over 2 hours , My other point are all the servers on the list private? I went into prima server and played a while on there but for no reason another player started to build near to me and was using the cheat as he could fly and was invisible, this did not bother me but this other player kept putting stupid kitten pictures all over my walls and I spent ages knocking them off, I did not realise this prima server was private and p v p as while making blocks someone killed me from behind, and after respawning with no map I could not get back to the base I had started to build Is this what they do just to take your stuff from chests?? I know its alpha but no locks on anything people can just take and smash your base up . a really good game being ruined by the few. Any info on if they are going to let people join your single player game, And finally are there going to be any more default servers or are they all private . Thanks for your replies

  • Hi guys bought this game well impressed, I played single player, then tried the default server for multi player I started to build etc got a fairly good base, but when I tried to get back onto the default server it comes up in red then trying to connect I got the mismatch message which I find strange
    as I had been playing for over 2 hours , My other point are all the servers on the list private? I went into prima server and played a while on there but for no reason another player started to build near to me and was using the cheat as he could fly and was invisible, this did not bother me but this other player kept putting stupid kitten pictures all over my walls and I spent ages knocking them off, I did not realise this prima server was private and p v p as while making blocks someone killed me from behind, and after respawning with no map I could not get back to the base I had started to build Is this what they do just to take your stuff from chests?? I know its alpha but no locks on anything people can just take and smash your base up . a really good game being ruined by the few. Any info on if they are going to let people join your single player game, And finally are there going to be any more default servers or are they all private . Thanks for your replies

    the servers in multiplayer anyone can join.they are public.the ones with a red background havent updated to the latest build yet.they are have to pick and choose which servers suits you well.i play on the deadlands mostly.some servers say no pvp in the title.the person running the server has to put in place protections for land and banning griefers.only a couple are working on one can join your single player game unless you give them your i.p.
    the servers in multiplayer are not private or "local games".hope this helps...also dont forget to refresh the server list(upper right white star looking thing) :)

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