Cool Suggestions - Rising World

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam
  • Building Items - The items in-game are plentiful such as the blocks, furniture, etc. Keep new items rolling in constantly the more we can mess around with items the longer the value of the game will last. So many games are slow bringing out content like this, if you can keep a steady flux of new items rolling in it will keep our imagination and creativity going. 8o

    Animals/Monsters - I know more updates are coming in for these such as being able to loot the animals for food or materials. Monsters that will attack us will develop the survival aspect of the game for sure. :evil:

    Water - Would like to see this put in the game, particularly similar to minecraft where we can carry buckets of water around and fill certain things like a well or a small pond. Also a key element into survival - having sufficient water to live. Water will also open up the farming aspect of the game.Sound effects - Would like to hear the Toilet flush, nuff said. As well as other improvements. :saint:

    Electricity - Ability to craft telephone poles ( or ability to use a generator ) to run the toilet and other electrical devices. With generators, electrical devices with a certain radius of the generator would be powered! Effing Genius. :thumbup:

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