A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)
  • The steel sledgehammer has the ability to salvage a placed block with the left click. This is a very good option if you want to re-use the same style block (same ID #) somewhere else or ti fix a mistake you made in placement. But what if you don't want to use that block but would like to salvage the raw material that the block was made from instead?


    - Keep the sledgehammer left click as is; a "Dismantle" option to remove a block and keep the same ID number block.
    - Use the sledgehammer right click as a "Salvage" option to destroy the block altogether but gain the raw material that block was originally made of (stone, sandstone, wood, etc).

    To accommodate this right click option, it may be good to change the building of wood blocks from lumber instead of logs. Would be more realistic to as you usually build from lumber instead of straight logs.

    This right-click option would greatly increase the building potential of players as there would be less waste of time having to mine/cut down more raw material to make new blocks. It would also prompt others to do more clean up of old abandoned builds to make way for new construction.

    For your consideration,
    (NL) Newfie

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