Coordinate display

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  • (I kind of remember having already raise this point, but I cannot find where...)

    It might be just a problem of mines more than anybody else, but I keep hitting it.

    Coming from 20 years of work in the flight simulation and geo-mapping fields, I find the RW coordinate display in the F3 window and in the console goto command disconcerting and disorienting! Coordinates are listed in the 'wrong' order and one of them has the 'wrong' sign. To orient myself, I have to swap the numbers and flip the sign of one of them (and I never remember which one! :S ).

    When I had to output 'real' geographic coordinates (in my GPS plug-in) I had no doubt to have them in the 'right' order and with the 'right' signs (note: of course, there is not a 'right' or a 'wrong' order or sign: they are just conventions. The fact is however that, since centuries, geographic coordinates are listed in the N/S, E/W (, opt. h) order and with S and W being negative and N and E positive, which establishes a largely preferred practice).

    Of course, the F3 display has a different aim: it is not a geographic mapping display, it is a programming debug display which outputs its info as convenient for another goal. So, I thought: "Should RW ever display coordinates with a real geographic meaning, they would be in the 'right' order and with the 'right' signs".

    However, I notice that the map has its coordinates in "programming" style (as the F3 output), rather than in "map" style. And the console goto command, which refers to geographic points, expects its data in the "programming" style rather than in the 'correct' map style.

    Am I the only one which find this disturbing? Is there any plan to "fix" this? (whatever "fix" may mean in this context).

    Thanks, M.

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