Hi Everyone
Elysium are looking for players to join our brand new server! If you're friendly and enjoy playing as part of a community visit us now!
Server info
Dedicated 64GB RAM Server with 1Gig port
Hi Everyone
Elysium are looking for players to join our brand new server! If you're friendly and enjoy playing as part of a community visit us now!
Server info
Dedicated 64GB RAM Server with 1Gig port
My favorite server so far
I'm going to be getting on tonight. Are there any projects going on?
At the moment we're working on a town project around spawn, we're looking for people to join in so it'd be great to see you on Feel free to join our website to get more involved with the community!
Ok, worth a shot! Can you give me some assistance? new to the game
Everyone's friendly and always willing to help out nut
Server has been updated to 0.5.2!
Free bump
Thanks Alex
Just joined the server. Im totally new player..got greeted into the server by zigvt85. Helped me alot! Will be playing on the server from now on if you dont mind!
Best Server presentation I have seen on the forums so far with good feedback Installing the game now and gonna join
Seeya in game!
The server looks nice
maybe i will visit you bros xD
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