Improve the attaching tool for the extended construction system

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  • Anyway, I have kinda problems with the extended construction system. Sometimes it floats through other objects, sometimes not. Well, sometimes this is wanted, but sometimes I don't want that ^^. Also, it often attaches to certain objects and sometimes not.

    I don't kow, if you get the problem I have, but let me suggest three (edit: 2 ^^)simple things that I believe would make building way easier:

    • If we attach e.g. a blank to another, it should always do that without any space between those blanks, even when that means, that the new blank would go through some wall or something. To make this more clear, please take a look at this. As you can see, there is a small gab between those blanks although I used the modular building tool. I don't know, if this is a bug or if I did something wrong, but it would be nice, if attaching object would always work, even when this would mean that items would glitch together.
    • When resizing an object, it should not move. Because here I tried to let those skewed beams go to the beam in the middle, but it only worked on the ceiling. This is because when you resize an object, it only does that with one side of the object. Also, when you have already placed e.g. a beam like in the picture and resize it to let it fit to the other objects, it moves which is very annoying. So it would be nice, if that would not happen and that resizing an object would make it grow on both sides equally like it does when you adjust the width. I guess this should not happen when you have a standing blank on the floor, but maybe that could be an exception. And if you resize an object and it is too big to fit into place, I think it is better that it would go through the other objects rather than automatically trying to adjust itself to whatever else.
    • Well, I just wanted to suggest what is already in the game: That you can scale and rotate an object and then make it stand still. Next, you can freely place it, using the [↑], [↓], [←], [→], [Pageup] and [Page down] - Keys to move it on all three axis. With this technique, you can even make objects go through other objects.

    This feature can be enabled be pressing the right [ctrl] - button. I always thought you can only use this to look at the object form every side. Actually, I think this is the most useful system of all.
    Now I can finally go on with the work on my tavern, since I know, how to easely place those damn beams :P And you also added the benches and lanterns I needed, awesome @red51 ! But please write in the help window (F1), what you can do with this awesome feature! Because maybe there is someone else who is not that clever >.<

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