Home Sweet Home (Graveyard Keeper)

The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).

This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
  • I've started working on building the world of Graveyard Keeper in Rising World. I think it's doable, and once Red makes it so that we can blueprint terrain, I'll be able to make the whole map a blueprint for download. However, in the meantime I'll upload buildings as I make them :) Here is Home Sweet Home, the house of the Graveyard Keeper. (I know there is a basement in the game, but I'm leaving that out of the blueprint so the house sits on the ground better. Feel free to add one if you like :P).

    Note: I'm still trying to figure out the screenshot action, so some of the screenshots here have me crouching, which makes things look taller than they are. Also, thanks to Dagoline for the hanging rack and pots!


  • red51

    Added the Label Java Version

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