Posts by vulcangimp

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    The game ideas i would like to see, beyond survival aspects, would be
    1.) Designated worlds. If you wanted one created world to stay medieval you could designate a technology cap before creating the world. But if you wanted cars and electricity (as seen to be added in game in the near future) you could set the technology cap to and age either modern, or to and age of horse drawn wagons, also turn off or on fantasy aspects like creatures and magic (if implemented).It would be fun to have several different world different enemies.
    2.) Armor. I feel once monsters are implemented there will be a louder out cry for battle systems and inevitably armor.
    3.)Iron should obviously be mined not having an anvil gives you access to all weapons/tools. But I'm sure that is something in the works.
    4.)Farming/planting. It would require that you can level out the ground a little more accurately than the rake.
    5.) Boats and sea/lake travel. Nets, fishing, sea battles.
    6.) I need a bow and arrows for hunting/enemies. Furthermore startled prey for hunting immersion and leather and bone crafting capabilities.
    7.)Food... probably obvious.