Posts by silverball64

    Here's a quick translation ;)
    First of general commands:

    setspawn -> change the spawn position to the current position
    goto #spawn -> teleport you to the spawn area
    kick PLAYER NAME -> kicks the specified player (multiplayer)
    death 0-23 -> changes the time
    make admin PLAYER NAME -> other players to make admin (multiplayer)
    Wireframe -> switched wireframe mode on / off, sometimes helpful to see caves, etc.

    In order to spawn now, for example. Blocks, you just use the "item" command. For example: (the last parameter is optional): item ITEMNAME QUANTITY [VARIATION]. So in order to spawn 64 blocks with the TexturID 21, you would type: item block 64 21

    Apart from blocks there are cylinder, halfcylinder, ramp, stair1, stair2

    Here is an overview of the most important items (description in brackets).

    treelog (log units)
    lumber (wood)
    stick (stick)
    torch (Torch)
    clock (clock)
    compass (compass)
    iron sheet (metal plate)
    ironrods (small metal rod)
    ironrodm (metal rod medium)

    Object command
    Finally, the "object" command. So you can directly spawn a finished object. The command is as follows: object OBJECT NAME. The most important properties are:

    block bench

    I suggest you to only spawn the raw materials on command, and then similar to the workbench / saw bench directly to build the right furniture / object (for there you can directly adjust the variation).
    Basically make the commands only makes sense to give to fast track blocks and possibly basic raw materials (such as lumber), and then regularly produce the rest;)

    Yet another little tip, with F2 you can fly;)

    Hello everyone! I play the game now for two days, and I have an annoying problem. I miss a lot of textures. Especially things with wood. Reinstallation did not help. Reinstallation of steam worked once, the next day the problem was back. Even reinstalling steam does not help anymore. Reinstall Windows works, but is not really something I want to do every day. :) Any ideas?

    nother picture: