Posts by Sayaron

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I'm having an little issue with the drivespeed variable not syncing correctly.
    If I for instance create an elevator with many floors and then adjust the drivespeed to make the elevator move faster; The elevator will move at the selected speed, but the elevator doors won't open when it arrives. The doors seems to wait for the original unmodified drivespeed, and only opens at the time it normally would take for an unmodified elevator to move. If you then have many floors, you'll have to wait a really long time for the doors to open after the elevator arrived at the destination. I have only modified the drivespeed and nothing else.
    Is this an bug, or am I missing something?

    Except for the drivespeed issue, I totally love this plugin. Keep up the good work!

    I am not sure if any of this already have been suggested, but I will go on anyways:

    • Elevators
    • Automatic Sliding Doors
    • Human NPC's (which may be both friendly or hostile)
    • NPC Villages (which may be both friendly or hostile)
    • Hunting Bow and eventually other ranged weapons

    In case NPC's would become a thing, it'd be cool if they could populate your own city at random if sufficient amount of houses is available. And if there even could be events of rebellions or hostile NPC's blending in with the other NPCs.

    Instead of making all these posts about when the next update is coming, rather just wait for it to come and don't push the dev. It's better to get a finished and polished product, instead of a rushed update which might contain more bugs than necessary. Patience is a useful resource.