Posts by ToBoCom

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    well then maybe you are not playing your games with full video power that you have they might just be using the Intel video and you did not know?, i say this because i have owned 3x laptops over the years that have two video gpu's and all 3, i had to point my games to open, using the better gpu on 70% or more of the games i played. if i did mot do that they opened on the default Intel gpu witch was rubbish lol

    Iv been playing online games since 1996 - and i know iv been using the right gfx as noway in hell the internal can run high on everything without preformance issues. Right now im using an Alienware x17 and to be fair, i doubt hardly half the games i play on this can run using the internal gfx, with max resolution. This is the first game since 1996 i had to manuel dedicate the gfx to the game.

    Its not that hard to check which gfx are installed on the client, then run a test which card live up to the game demands and change the setting so the game will run using this. Its the gfx test most game run when they start up the first time.

    I loved the game from what iv seen so fare, but adding hell ect. its a total copy of minecraft.

    I enjoy the natual aspect, dont like monsters, rather hostile animals, hunters, indians what ever.


    However - i have NEVER seen any games where you have to manuel change your primary GFX to be used when a specific program loades. I belive from what i see, a ton of people have this issue, when they just see the game crash to desktop on load.

    Even though this is Alpha, i belive if you are going to gain more success, if the install and first load are simpel and easy for every user, as long as their system are supported. Having to fittle with the GFX setting aint gona give a first time good impression, and some people might give up pretty fast. Took me nearly 2 hours to find the solution, as most topics pointed twas the Java Installation and 64 bit, which in my case already was correctly installed.

    turned full screen off and it worked

    Now when game is loaded the game use the onboard intel gfx and not the primary NVidia GFX and ask me to manuel assign the NVidia card to the game.
