Posts by trkdrvr60

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    This beautiful stone hunting lodge comes equipped with a large kitchen area, dining area with large stone table, and sitting fit for kings. The loft contains 1 large bedroom and bath, and plenty of room to add more beds and maybe a game room. The large stone fireplace has provisions for open flame cooking that will give any food that "outdoor" taste. There is also a well stocked workshop. Wrap around porch with stone patio with seating. You can enjoy all this for the mere cost of the time it takes to install in your "Rising World".
    Seriously I hope you enjoy this, there is plenty of room to expand and add your own personal touches.

    Edited 27/02/16
    Just realized how old blueprint was, don't know which update changed the doors but it was not constructed with the iron bars.
    and I can tell you the over all size of the "Footprint" is 68 blocks X 37 blocks. I just finished placing it in a new world and will update the screenshots soon.

    Edited 24/03/16
    Updated all the screenshots, now is sitting on higher foundation with the updated textures. I've replaced the doors. Really want to thank everyone for all the kind words, and hope people continue to enjoy this blueprint

    This game has so much already, and you're working on so much more. Please take this as just suggestions for down the road, first a block shaped "peak" to cap a pitched roof.
    and curved blocks that could be used for larger circles and curved building projects. I do understand curved surfaces in a grid system is problematic just something to think about. Please keep the ability to play a peaceful mode in the game
    for us pacifists, I like building something in the wild and not have to be looking over my shoulder all the time. ( I have four bears hanging around my place I just enjoy watching). I wouldn't mind having to protect my "crops" (garden) from pesky critters. rabbits, moose, goats, and the possibility of fencing in some cattle, as a way to keep supply's "on the hoof" so to speak. Once again this game has so much potential to become not just a good, but great game for a very diverse group of players. please keep up the great work and am looking forward to all the upcoming features and additions.
    trkdrvr60 :thumbsup::thumbsup: :thumbsup: