Posts by DrohtinDev

A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!

    Well, currently indiegames pop up like mushrooms

    That's true. But most of them are very special or not as good as they could be or both. For me concept is a high potential (as long as the developer stay focused and keep the good speed of delivering features). It just has to take the critical mass of players. This is the most important part!

    Challenge accepted. What's the time frame? 10 years?

    Mhh, you are thinking in long time terms. I hope that we all looking back to the first of many self-developed games in 10 years.
    If you keep that in mind, I think you have 2 years to integrate it into concept. After that the next game should be in the pipline :D

    I am also getting your point and I am with you. Sadly I made the experience that thinking small (all the time) could be extremly bad for the whole game. I am also a friend of details and I love talking about crazy new ideas no other game will ever have. But keep in mind that even this game will never have it ( red51: challenge for you to disprove me :D )

    I don't want to say that you have to keep your ideas in your mind. What I am trying to say is that you should try take make a top -> down (or the other way) discussion.
    Start at a high level and go into detail (or start at a low level and go to high level).

    For example:
    - herding is a cool feature
    - how do you think is the behaviour of the herd
    - what animals are in a herd
    - remove/add animals to the herd (your point)
    - combine herds
    - max size of a herd
    - movement of a herd
    - etc.

    So you see there are a lot of thing to think about and one of them is your point. I am more the development guy and so I have to think about the whole concept of something. To add specific attributes in modern programming languages is not that big deal as long as the architecture is nice :)

    The question about the InGameSales are more a question for the developer. Just if they are planning to do so?

    I do not like the idea of transform stuff into coins. It reduces the interaction between player.
    The market is more a please of meeting and trading. It is also just one solution for the suggestion with the official and inoffical trade. I am very open for other ideas about that.

    To use a npc reduces also interaction. It could be a way but is shouldn't be the main way (maybe just one offering at the same time as constraint)

    I am really looking forward to new biomes, especially about the transition from on to another.
    From forest to grassland looks ok, but it could be better (no offense :D ).
    You should have a look at some forest. At the "edge" of a forest are mostly shrubs and you can not really look into the forest. Behind these "first row" of shrubs are not so many of them. The point is if you are at the grassland and someone is in the forest you should not see him so easy. I know this is a small detail but you have to take care about all transitions between the biomes to make sure that the world look smooth.

    I vote for the economy part. I hope you are able to make a nice trading system (with or without money, coins, what ever).
    If I hear coins (or money) it reminds me to the question about "in game sales". Are you planning to do this?

    Some points about trading system:
    - I would love to see something like "official trades" and "inofficial trades"
    - e.g. an "official trade" must be at a market place (someone can build this?!) and the 2 traders has to pay a tax for the trade to the owner of the market place, the transaction is safe
    - e.g. an "inofficial trade" could be anywhere, no tax but not safe (I mean someone can betray the other)

    I have to say that here are some really curious ideas. Please do not take this in a bad way but this game is still in an alpha phase and we are talking about staff that´s not even necessary in the final game.

    Probably it is better to concentrate on high level suggestions. For example you can make a list of animals you want to see in the game.

    Wäre ja für später ein gutes Feature!
    Aber auch ohne Flackern kommt eine gute Lagerfeuerstimmung auf :D

    Da wäre schon was wieder der Gruselansatz aus dem anderen Forenbeitrag etwas Licht, rascheln...Schatten bewegen sich im Wald! Eigentlich brauch man nicht mal ein richtig gutes 3D Objekt um diesen Effekt zu erreichen...das "Monster" kann ja dann erst im späteren Release kommen

    Rein phyikalisch betrachtet flackern moderne Lampen ja auch. Sie Flackern eben nur so schnell das man es nicht merkt :D
    Aber Spaß bei Seite... das jegliches statische Licht flackert wäre natürlich unschön und würde extrem nerven und nicht wie gewünscht Atmosphäre erzeugen.

    Ich hatte bei dem Flackern auch nicht zwingend an einen komplett neuen Buffer gedacht, sondern initial eher an eine on/off Funktion.
    Das Flackern an sich bewegt sich noch meinem Empfinden ja zwischen Licht an und Licht aus (vielleicht nicht ganz aus) und einer Zeitlichen Komponente (Time im Shader).
    Wenn man vielleicht erst mal experiment den Sinus der Zeit nimmt um einen Wert 0-1 zu erhalten und dieser dann mit dem Wert aus dem VertexBuffer multipliziert (zumindest den rgb Anteil) sollte meines erachtens ein zugegeben gleichmäßiges Flackern erzeugt werden können. Wäre das nicht eine Variante oder steh ich gerade voll auf dem Schlauch? Bin einfach nicht so der absolute Experte mit Shadern...aber man lernt :D