I've been known to thread jack....occasionally.
Posts by Turbo614
A new update is now available, introducing seasons and more!
For some reason when i try joining my favorite server,i get the cannot connect message,i click the ok box and lose my mouse cursor and have to use task manager to close the game.II don't know if this is a server thing( @Absalom ) or a game thing( @red51 )...........PASTEBIN log
i normally have no issues connecting to this server,also i am able to connect to other servers. -
@red51 I've been at it for an hour in single player mode and no issues so I guess it's just multiplayer
I tell you what would be a sweet game mode,maybe not for some people,but this mode could bring in a truckload of money for the developers
quest mode
this would require quite a bit of work to implement but I think futuristically it would definitely put this game above many others.
@red51 and @lucien.schuenke -
genius! love it!..... @Absalom you should definitely add this to the deadlands forum when the commands are available.if you see fit,I can do this for you when I get home,as I'm sure you are busy with the scripting.
the background for the player list window via tapping"tab" should be the same for the chat window,not the transition(which looks pretty cool),but just that black background....depending on where your facing chat can be hard to see.maybe increase the font sizes for both too.im playing on a 55" led tv and it's still looks a bit small to me.:)
thanks and you too!
two functions:
#1 ring to alert the occupant you'd like to visit.
#2 enter a passcode to enter/lock the door.
....this could have the same looking menu as the tent.instead of "sleep" & "storage" you'd have "ring" & "lock/unlock" respectively.
although I'm sure people would try placing doorbells on other people's houses,locking them out.... -
also @Babas stack overflow is a priceless resource for scripting such as lua and here's a link to their site: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/lua
When it closes, does it always happen in multiplayer? I guess there is no errorlog (that is the most useful kind of file)?
I'm in multiplayer 99% of the time,when I get home from work I'll play single player only and see what happens and report back here
+1 this idea defiantly needs implemented.
Hey everybody,if your a steam member and bought the game through them,I'd like to invite all of you to comment your hours played and a quick shout out about why you like the game.Thanks a bunch everyone
>>>>>>RIGHT HERE<<<<<< -
ah understood
I'm not willing to say that rising world has anything to do with the randomness of the game closing.being somewhat computer savvy I decided to dig through my files to see what could possibly be causing the issue.im not sure which one did the trick but heres what I changed/deleted:
UPDATE: JUST CLOSED AGAIN AFTER AN HOUR OF PLAY(now does this less frequently)i use a 55" led tv for my laptops monitor,I changed the resolution to the optimum recommended setting.removed all of my dev tools.jmonkey engine,eclipse sts also removed every steam game except this one.also removed glyph (client for the game trove).after doing all of that,I've been playing on the deadlands for over an hour uninterrupted(yes I still lose connection to that server every 15-20 minutes)although this is the only game or program that has ever done this since owning this laptop.
2:27pm fc again -
DAmn North Korea attacked once again, on Christmas Eve on top on everything....
Me Casa was smashed again yesterday as my back wall was was destroyed going into the basement of me Casa!
Will not repair right away, but if ya want or need to go check it out i would be situated West side of Jail
just behind Spawn point on Deadlands server!move over by me man,I'm already reconstructing my lame crib into a castle....you know where I'm at
Alright, according to the screenshot, you have an Intel HD 4000. The driver version should be okay (v12), but maybe you can check if there is a newer version available for your computer (Intel already offers v15, but I'm not sure if you can use the original drivers)
Is there a way to reproduce the error? Or does it just crash randomly?@red51 it seems to be fairly random. last night. I looked on intel's site,they said I needed to update my driver through the manufacturers site(if one is available),over at Sony's site,the only driver version available is from 2012,much older than my driver version.i will keep an eye on things and see if I can some way reproduce the error.ill reply here with any findings.is it in any way possible for me to re-try the previous version? this hasn't been happening from the beginning when I first bought the game.that would at least give me more insight into the issue.:)
Sorry for the delay, and thanks for your understanding!
The log file indicates (can't say for sure) that you are using an Intel HD Graphics card? Can you please open the directx diagnostic tools (press [windowskey] + R and type dxdiag), go to the tab "Display" and tell me the graphics card name (on the left side), driver version and date (on the right side)?
I guess you don't have a secondary graphics card?
here ya go @red51
screengrab -
+1 we need to test things out
no christmas,no new years funetries..........work on the game!!!!...........juust kidding
i kinda figured you guys are busy.....with all of us hungry gamers n such.