Posts by Natox

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hmm yes we are aware of this issue in multiplayer. The same happens for meat when it's on a grill. The problem is, that this issue is not easily reproducible, but we will do our best to fix it as soon as possible :)

    Alright, thanks :-) I just thought I'd help you out by reporting this bug.
    I'm not too much into programming so I won't try and think with you on this one.

    Dear Rising World Dev,

    I haven't got a single clue on how/where to post bugs that are related to this game, so I figured I might aswell post ('m) it here.
    I've stumbled upon a small bug where it seems that 2 different texturemodels are being bound to the same entity.

    I'm not sure if this bug is serverside or clientside so I'll explain my situation shortly.

    I'm running a small dedicated server for my friend and me. It's running the 0.5.7 server version and we're both playing with the 0.5.7 client (obviously).
    I put the ores in my oven and continued exploring the world while the ores were melting.
    As I returned I noticed (visually) that the ores were gone and the bars were created.
    But as I came/come close to the oven, the ore models reappear on top of the bar models.
    It only happens in a '2-3 meter radius'.

    I hope this might help you out with small fixes.

    Sincerely yours.


    EDIT: After a client-restart it seems to be fixed. Still thought you should know though. :-)

    @Natox: Thanks for your nice words! :) The issue you're having occurs when you try to convert an old map where no "customImages" folder is present (i.e. when you never worked with images before on that map). We will fix it today in a bugfix, but as a workaround, you could create a folder "customImages" in your world folder ("Worlds/[yourworldname]").

    Thanks for the fast response Red51, I appreciate that. Will look forward to the bug fixes and upcoming content. Keep up the awesome job!

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum but first of all I would like to thank you for this awesome game and support!
    This game has tons of potential and allows for hours and hours of cool gameplay. Thank you!

    Now that I've gotten that out of my system I would like to share my (error) log that comes with the update.
    Whenever I want to start the new update (0.5.7) with my old map I get an error and it shuts down automatically.

    However, if I start the new version (0.5.7) without my old world, everything seems to be working fine.
    I hope this helps in solving problems.

    Thank you.