Dear Rising World Dev,
I haven't got a single clue on how/where to post bugs that are related to this game, so I figured I might aswell post ('m) it here.
I've stumbled upon a small bug where it seems that 2 different texturemodels are being bound to the same entity.
I'm not sure if this bug is serverside or clientside so I'll explain my situation shortly.
I'm running a small dedicated server for my friend and me. It's running the 0.5.7 server version and we're both playing with the 0.5.7 client (obviously).
I put the ores in my oven and continued exploring the world while the ores were melting.
As I returned I noticed (visually) that the ores were gone and the bars were created.
But as I came/come close to the oven, the ore models reappear on top of the bar models.
It only happens in a '2-3 meter radius'.
I hope this might help you out with small fixes.
Sincerely yours.
EDIT: After a client-restart it seems to be fixed. Still thought you should know though.