Posts by walker1998

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    salut je suis français et déjà sa fait du bien de voir du fr ici. après je voudrais bien t'aide a faire un site mais je ne connais rien pour les site je peu avoir un hébergeur a la limite . car on devrait vraiment crée un site rising world, parce que a un moment pour moi il va devenir extrêmement populaire et il vaut mieux prendre de l'avance :P

    si tu veux me contacte par skype : thibautg92
    steam : thibaut19981

    i have for sugg to ask, if you can add a piston but not the piston of minecraft a realy piston, and with this we are the possibilty to change the distance of move for the piston.

    thanks you . and goodbye :thumbsup:

    can you add a hook because in a cave we fallen and we don't have any system (F2 yes but it's nor RP) to back in the begining of the case

    with a hook or a rope we have the possibility to get down in the cave with 0 damage :thumbsup:

    for me it's a dream for create this island. before minecraft i have beginning to create the tracey island in gmod with SDK (hammer editor) but the system are very hard, and after i have lost the idée

    yes the first problems of this game, is it is the best game of building but we don't have other activity out of the build. can you had a system for create i don't now what but a system, yes a dungeon, but more

    thanks you

    hello. (i'm new and i'm french, so please can you are easy with me thk ;) i'm here for to ask can you add a system for create a electrical door, because before i wanna create ine minecraft (yes minecraft xD) this

    yes, I love create a secret area in my home xD, and rising world is a so good game and the dev are very listening of the community

    thanks and goodby