Posts by theenoid
NM found answer on an older post. It was actually MY post too, try it again, hope it still works... Be nice if it got fixed....
I've been playing this game on my iMac for a few months. Was working great, no major problems. My Fusion drive was recalled. Just got it replaced, 1st thing I did was d/l the Mac Client of RW. When I tried to install, I would get a message I needed Java 6 SE, with a link to it, downloaded it, installed, then tried to install RW again. New message Needs current Java. So I went and got Java 8 update 51, came out last month. Installed it. Then tried installing RW, again, won't launch, getting message "Cannot launch 'Rising World' No Compatible version of Java 1.7 is available. " WTH, 1.7? What? I was playing this game for months without Java issues, What gives?
Found somethings I'd like to see improved. This isn't a list of new things to add, just current things to tweak.
Chat: Almost all games I've played use "enter" instead of "T". "R" for reply. Which replies to last /whisper. "Tab" to cycle through list of /whispers recently sent to you. And /whisper to be changed to "T" for /tell. T opens up command /tell, enter <name> done. /Say not to be global. Filters like general chat, group, Admin. Commands like /ignore would also be helpful. I can't see chat, unfortunately, I like the darkest background. It won't save. I have to change it every time I log in. I would also like the option to leave chat up or be able to adjust the time fade setting to longer.
Admins: Fix the "Bobbing" issue. Give Admins the ability to become invisible to other players. Currently, If you're close enough to spot a grievers name tag, he can spot yours even if under his feet in the ground.
Block placement: Can't make log cabins (Can't lay round logs on top of another.) I'd even like to see the cylinders be able to be placed at different angles. ( or be able to make 'round' lumber ) I haven't been able to figure out how to change grid size with a mini keyboard? Is there a way? Make glass edges darker or yellow or red. It's really hard to see if you made glass sheet the right size to place or if you're placing it in the right spot. Some block shapes, like the triangular ones, can't be placed on their sides. Also grates to be place flat. Maybe even doors? Half blocks to be placed on top half. These would open up a whole new area to designs.
Ground: Some people come to our server just to run around and dig holes while running around. Filling them is not always simple. If you have to use the rake, you just lost the grass there leaving patches of dirt all over the place. Having grass grow back would fix this. Or a fill command to make it back to original.
Stacks: Make all stacks hold 64. No melons stack. Wood and tomatoes stack at 32 while ores stack at 64.
Inventory: "I" to open inventory, and "I" to close it. Much faster than current way.
Journal: 1st time a person logs into game, automatically open up Journal. With a check box at bottom to mark not to open.
TP: Teleporting to certain coordinates. I've been told that this is already in game, but no one has been able to tell me how.
Blueprints: Are for posters? I'd like to see them for houses. I'm assuming once water is introduced this will be needed for water popping up in areas already developed?
Lights: Torches are fine, but I would like the lamps to cast light further. Or even make bulbs at different Watts.
A better separation of dirt/stone/hell earth. Once you get a little hell earth or stone in dirt and try to remove it, it's a real pain.
I had more input. But being a slacker, I forgot to write them down and now drawing a blank.
On a mac it looks like console opens with the " \ " key. If that is the console. If not, it opens up something. Addressing question #2, item orientation is done with the item in hand and using the arrow keys. Glass and posters can also be enlarged with the arrow keys. (It's hard to see the edges of the glass, but maybe red will give the edge a red outline in placing mode.)
Ore seems to only be found in the pre-made caves not randomly popping up while digging. I dug in an area without hitting any pre-made caverns and found nothing but stone. Not just a small hole, I dug a huge crater and nothing. So like everyone else, I sought out caves. They were all picked over. I had to go out extremely far (15-20 min. run) to find a fresh cave, loaded up headed back and fell thru world and died, lost it all. But if ore patches would just randomly pop up in the ground while digging, wouldn't that be more realistic? Aluminum is still too rare, imo.
Temporarily disable losing your things in inventory until you can fix falling thru the world! I fill up in a cave and while heading home fall thru the world, die and lose what I spent hours collecting! (That was yesterday) Now today, same problem. It's very aggravating. I don't even think of it being fun to do it again.... It's not like I can retrieve my corpse. The "F2" trick didn't work. Why not disable it until you can fix this bug?
Can you please go into more detail on SQL? The rest of my server is ready. But I can't log on. I'm guessing because I don't have SQL set up. I went to their site and was even more confused. So many downloads, no idea what to download. Do I need to register with them? Any help on a step by step on what to do with SQL, would be appreciated. (I didn't have to use SQL when doing Minecraft Server, so I'm lost at this point)
Great idea!
What's CS:GO? I'll stay clear of it, lol. I haven't messed with the torch mounts yet. I was thinking that they were only for constructed walls. Learned something new. However, just starting out, without the use of the "L-key" for cheater light. I'd find it really hard to get enough materials (Coal and Ore) while digging (where you can see) to make the torches needed to go deeper. I suppose I could just make an outrageously large open pit until I find what I need, and hope it's enough to get deeper to find more, lol.
I love the skill progression idea!
Slow down hunger a little more. Is it just me? Seems I spend 60% of game time eating.
Be able to move crafted items without destroying them.
I'd like walking to be closer to sprint speed and sprint speed faster, just seems like I'm crawling. And the sound of walking is like I'm wearing tap shoes or high heels
It would also be nice to be able to "crouch" and lean over the block you're on to add to it without falling off (your roof)
I'm still struggling with the ladder. Going up is easy, but coming down, I fall most of the time.
Add another torch type, maybe one with a nail so you can easily and quickly set it up on the cavern wall.
Silver Ore is hard to see. It might just be me. I'm a little bit color blind. But it just blends in with the rock. (I haven't found any Aluminum yet, might be same?)
Secondary click on door/chest to open? Or would that interfere with something else?
Lamp for ceiling won't flip upside down? Or even 90° to mount flush on wall.
I'd love to have this feature in settings. It just seems backwards to me.
I hope this is the place for questions? Seemed the most appropriate. I have several questions about this game and was unable to find info online or even access the Wiki on the website.
Plowed field: Now what? How do I add flowers, carrots, watermelon or pumpkins? I'm running out of food fast. Rarely find apples in the too tall grass.
Inventory Slots: Armor Slot? Equipment Slot? Why can't I put anything in them?
Where is the water?
Weapon upgrades?
Found other rare ores besides iron. But can't make anything with it?
How do I find my LAN address to invite friends? Or can I?
The game shows real promise! However, I didn't know I was buying a game in Alpha stage. Just now noticed where it says it on your site. doesn't even say it's an unfinished game. Not to big of a deal, just wish I knew.