Posts by Vynkahla

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Hello all!
    I just picked up the game yesterday and was so won over by it I decided to actually join the forums and participate in the community (usually I play single player or LAN with my friends/family and don't bother with the forums). I have to say I'm impressed with everything so far, the game, the commitment of the devs and the wonderful suggestions and calm debates and ideas I've seen presented on the forums. I very much have my hopes up here!

    With that out of the way, I had the exact same thought as Walker1998 here as I was playing. Some of the caves are more "giant gaping hole in the ground" and some way to get down into them without digging down along the wall or just cheating with F2 would be great. I was thinking along the lines of hammering in braces at the top and attaching a rope ladder to them that could be climbed up/down. The braces could be placed similarly to the torch holders and the ladder mechanism is already in game. Just a thought!