Posts by Melagius

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thank you for the answers. I never would have guessed that first one. As for the second, you might check out what 7 days to die has done in that regard. Your point about griefing is a valid one, but the added realism would be cool imo. Looking forward to the monsters.

    Any answers would be appreciated.

    1. What does JIW stand for?

    2. I read in the planned features section that you intend water to be affected realistically by the laws of physics, and trees, when cut, already do. Will structures and landscape eventually be subject to similar rules? Will a floating or under supported structure collapse in future versions?

    3. I already see many technological themed elements in your game. Does that mean more fantasy oriented element are not going to be included?

    4. In another thread a developer (I assume) commented that the intent was for a new player to start at a medieval technology level and progress to more modern technology. Does this mean that lower tech levels will be unsustainable or overly tedious? I like to build castles.

    5. Is there a console command to disable the day night cycle? Trying to level a large foundation and I can't see very well at night. The area is to large to make lights very practical.

    Thank you for your time and any answers provided. I may add more if I think of any.