I was having issues with connection. I have replaced modem now. I have never been able to have my server show in public servers list. I have followed every instruction there is on the forums but no success. I am taking a break from the game until biomes currently.
Posts by Drayln
Yes it is running on same machine as my client atm.
I was able to log into my server via local LAN until today. Now I can no longer access it from the machine it was running on and I am also getting the error in the code below. I was also never able to create a server I could connect to outside my local LAN. Any advice?
Rising World - - Dedicated Server
Windows 7 6.1 Java 1.8.0_45
07/07/2015 10:52 PMItems initialized!
Plants initialized!
NPCs initialized!
Initialize Static Classes...
Constructions initialized!
Objects initialized!
Picking initialized!
Food-Definitions initialized!
Crafting-Definitions initialized!
07/07/2015 10:52 PM A.g
INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: object.plank
07/07/2015 10:52 PM A.g
INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: ores.copper
07/07/2015 10:52 PM A.g
INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: world.dirt
07/07/2015 10:52 PM A.g
INFO: Register BuildDestroyPermission: world.stone
07/07/2015 10:52 PM A.g
INFO: Register MainPermission: permission.changespawn
LOAD WORLD Teerian Crotia
C:\Users\Beast\Desktop\Rising World Server/Worlds/Teerian Crotia:::Teerian Crotia
Load world Teerian Crotia
WORLDINFO Seed :1434919481774
WORLDINFO Caves :true
WORLDINFO Vegetations :true
WORLDINFO Worldtype :Normal
WORLDINFO Time :19.9.0 11:11:1.1965401
set game time from string: 19.9.0 11:11:1.1965401
WORLDINFO Spawninventory :2 0 0 23 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 1 0 17 0 1 -65 -128 0 0 0 0 0 0
Worldpart generating...
Biomepart generating...
Biomepart generated: 0 - 0
CavePoints: 379008
Worldpart generated: 0 - 0
Worldconverter: Updating not required
WORLDINFO Spawnposition :225.69101 55.354454 0.35403842
WORLDINFO Spawnrotation :0.029234696 0.842223 -0.04590467 0.53637534
dir does not exist: Worlds/Teerian Crotia/customImages/
22 chests loaded from DB!
0 Plants loaded from DB!
at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.get(Unknown Source)
at h.d.a(SourceFile:48)
at server.util.ServerUtils$ConversionUtils.byteArrayToFurnaceItems(SourceFile:175)
at s.c.a(SourceFile:39)
at v.d.b(SourceFile:62)
at r.b.e(SourceFile:288)
at server.b.a(SourceFile:1050)
at server.b.a(SourceFile:887)
at server.Main.c(SourceFile:317)
at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:191)
at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:82)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(NullContext.java:84)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.run(NullContext.java:127)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
6 Furnaces loaded from DB!
945 NPCs loaded from DB!
Server bind to IP: ***.***.****.***:4255
NetworkServer version 0.5
StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4255
StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4255
StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4256
StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4256
StartUp UdpKernel Port: 4257
StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4257
StartUp TcpKernel Port: 4258
C:\Users\Beast\Desktop\Rising World Server\scripts
HTTP Server bind to IP:
07/07/2015 10:52 PM server.Main
WARNING: Unable to authenticate Server!
*************** NEW THREAD LOCAL ALLOCATION *************** -
Hi all. I was wondering if it was possible to add our own ambient sounds or music for either the client or server software? Thanks!
I am trying to log in using the linux_startscript.sh but I keep getting the "No Server title set" and then it exits. My linux_startscript is below. I have also altered all the names in the server.properties to the same naming scheme. I have probably made stupid oversight here but I am trying to learn Linux as I go with this. Thank you for help.
SCREEN_NAME="Teerian Crotia"txtgrn=$(tput setaf 2) # Green
txtred=$(tput setaf 1) # Red
txtbld=$(tput bold) # Bold
txtreset=$(tput sgr0) # reset colorsif [ ! -x `which screen` ]; then echo "You have to install screen first!"; exit 1; fi
if [ ! -x `which java` ]; then echo "You have to install java first!"; exit 1; ficd $(pwd)
function checkTitle(){
if [ -n "$1" ]; then
SCREEN_NAME=`grep -i 'server_screen_title' server.properties | tr -d '\n\r' | cut -f2 -d'='`
fiif [ -z "$SCREEN_NAME" ]; then
echo "${txtred}No server_title set. Set title to 'Rising World Server'${txtreset}"
SCREEN_NAME="Rising World Server"
fiif ! [[ $SCREEN_NAME =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$ ]]; then
echo "${txtred}The Server title contains invalid symbol. Only a-z A-Z 0-9 - _ . are allowed${txtreset}"
exit 1;
case "$1" in
checkTitle $2
MEMORY=$(grep -i 'server_memory' server.properties | tr -d '\n\r' | cut -f2 -d'=')
if [ -z "$MEMORY" ]; then
echo "${txtred}No server_memory set. Server starts with 1024mb memory${txtreset}"
if ! [[ $MEMORY =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
echo "${txtred}The property 'server_memory' is not numeric${txtreset}"
exit 1;
fiif screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} is already running";
screen -dmSL ${SCREEN_NAME} java -Xmx${MEMORY}m -Xms$(($MEMORY/2))m -jar server.jarif screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
echo "${txtgrn}${SCREEN_NAME} is successfully started${txtreset}"
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} an error has orcuded${txtreset}"
checkTitle $2
if screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
screen -S ${SCREEN_NAME} -p 0 -X quit
echo "${txtgrn}${SCREEN_NAME} is successfully stopped${txtreset}"
echo "${txtred}No screen with name '${SCREEN_NAME}' found${txtreset}"
$0 stop && $0 startexit 1
checkTitle $2
if screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} is ${txtgrn}${txtbld}running${txtreset}"
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} is ${txtred}${txtbld}not running${txtreset}"
checkTitle $2
if screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
screen -r ${SCREEN_NAME}
echo "${txtred}No screen with name '${SCREEN_NAME}' found${txtreset}"
echo "Usage: linux_startscript.sh {start|stop|restart|status|attach} [title]"
exit 2
exit 0 -
I also wanted to ask if there are intentions to add a weather system to the game as an option as well?
Hi everyone. I just installed this game over the weekend. I am quite impressed so far and see lots of potential. I am not sure if we have an introduction section of forum or not so I hope I posted this in the proper place. I have been perusing the forums and it looks like the game is moving in the right direction to me. My first MMO was Ultima Online and then moved to Everquest 1 etc. I am a big fan of open world sandbox MMO's. I have already created a dedicated server via the instructions. If I may I would like to ask a few questions. If the answers already exist on the forum somewhere please point me in the right direction and I can research it. Thank you in advance!
1) I can not see my hosted server listed in the list via the Steam client (I purchased game from Steam 6/20/15). I followed the directions on "hosting a multiplayer server" here on the forums but we are currently connecting via IP and server doesnt show. I can post the server.properties if that will help.
2) I read the forum post about moving the server DB over to a MySQL server. I have never used MySQL and am a bit intimidated by the listed processes in the forum. Is it better to convert to MySQL? We currently have about 3-4 constant players but I could see growth potential and would rather have it correct now than when we have more players.
A) Is there a bit more step my step guide for the conversion process for noobs like myself?3) I am currently hosting the server on my windows desktop ( I7 3770K, 16gb 1800mhz RIPJaw RAM, 128gb SSD, 2TB HSSD, NVIDIA 770GTX). Is this machine powerful enough to host a server of say 50 clients?
4) I have very limited experience with batch files. I notice the batch file for server is only
@Echo off
java -jar server.ja . What else should I have in the batch file? I also would like to know how to access settings like autosave timings but do not know where those config files live.5) Is there a command or way to restart server without just ctrl +c in the CMD window? (This is probably a really noob question and I apologize in advance). I have noticed the longer the server is running the more laggy it becomes and more glitches happen. A server restart seems to fix these most of the time.
Thank you very much!