Posts by Cobi

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Well after doing everything under the sun, I went back to windows 7 from windows 10 wiped everything off the harddrive. Now the game hasnt crashed one time, played like 4 times for hours. Dont know what it was causing it but glad to be able to play longer than 5 minutes =O . Thanks again Red51 for your suggestions.

    well i did a clean startup with only microsoft services running and still crashed. HaHaha im so lost on this issue at this point. Thanks for all the suggestions Red51, if you have any other suggestions let me know. I guess im not suppose to play this game at this point in time.

    yeah it still crashed with graphic instancing on false, with no hs_err_pid written. I am going to try a clean startup later today to see if maybe it is some background service causing it.

    I removed the +memory and still crashed with no hs_err_pid file. updated chipset drivers still crashed with no hs_err_pid file. windows is always up to date. I got the game in June and was able to play without crashing till about October or November, with no hardware changes. Maybe it is a hardware issue, but i dont have any problems with the 30+ other games i have.

    finally got a hs_err_pid file to write when it crashed.I am just guessing but maybe it wasnt a java crash when it did it before, thats why it wasnt writing a hs_err_pid file for that crash??
    i really would love to figure out something i have tried everything i can think of even wiping the game from pc and reinstalling same results.

    here is log file from the log folder. I ran in a straight line for about 5 minutes and then turned around ran about 30 seconds and then it crashed.


    • 1454042949.log

      (7.81 kB, downloaded 345 times, last: )

    Just an update on crashing.
    after the latest update i still crash to desktop (Rising World has stopped working). I have updated video driver to latest update also. But now it doesnt write the hs_er_pid file or error log file to the rising world folder. I have debug enabled in the config file. not sure why its not writing to the folder now.

    welp i thought it fixed it but it still crashes. i thought maybe it could be something in my world effecting it. so i started fresh world and same result after about 5 minutes it crashes.

    it seems to crash after traveling. i have my main build that has all my supply chest at it and i am building another build just outside of the reder distance of my main build. so i have to travel to and from the two builds.

    Is there a command to give yourself a journal? I started my world before they came out and never got one when they did come out.

    Not sure if this is the place to post bugs found...
    So I was mining underground around level -100, while looking up and I hear the sound of chopping wood then a tree fall. I went up to ground level and 2 tree had been chopped down. This has happened few times now.