Posts by Trixter

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Thanks for the help!! :)
    Im thinking in the long run.
    If you have people coming in and out, it would be a nice feature if you could return objects to the owner, so you could maybe avoid half buildings around etc.

    Thanks, i downloaded the update. Works now.
    - So there is now way to clean up the map ?
    There should be somekind of return objects function, or you will end up with a real mess on open servers

    In most games ive played, i have always bought a server. Saves me for all the trouble.
    I really like the whole idea behind sandbox games. I also have a Space Engineers server, which i have just closed down, for the very same reason.
    And i dont see the point in it.. its a good opportunity for people to go to the same server, and play with the same people and build something spectacular. So why does anyone buy Rising world just to go on others server and destroy their stuff... seems very childish and pointless

    Well.... i opened up my server to everybody. When i get in the next day, my chests were empty and my house was destroyed.. so now the server has password.. so not many others then me in there.

    There is so many animals in my MP server map, mainly bears, so i cant start chopping woods anywhere, without the company of a angry bear.
    What to do?