All great ideas....... wait when was it Canadian Thanksgiving??????? guess i need to get out of my arpartment more often
Posts by Fingercuffs
1) Yes I like your ideas the fly mode for me would just be for me and some friends that i play with on a private server although if it is taken away i have already dug out a perfectly good tunnel to run all the way to hell(unless you have done it once then set your mark there). 2) The mark needs to be a permanent setting maybe you can make a little log book to carry around with you and set more then 1 mark and they are always there unless you delete them. 3)Well the chests could just be an option when you pick it up says there are items in here transfer to new chest or something like that , as all i am doing is removing one chest for another i built about 900 of the exact same make and color, and there are about 300/treasure room floor so i am exchanging every second one for a different color to help with the eye damage from so many of the same thing haha
4) yes carts/backpacks would be great when i mine i will go for 5-9 hours straight and i dont like having to either drop chests all over(although is way better now that you can remove them) or running all the way back to the surface to dump my bags. 5)yes i love the trophy's on the walls put 2 up as soon as i logged in yesterday and great adding the sheep shearing as well although i find it hard to locate many sheep but i read somewhere that you can summon any animal in front of you no idea how to do this but i guess ill learn.
How do you make ramps?
Yes this is annoying I hope they do implement this as well as mulitple mark locations mark1,mark2, ect ect would be cool
Now that there are sheep in game will you be adding Velcro Gloves for all the Auzzie players?
Or be able to do some wood carvings and make a sign to attach to the chest. Also would like to see you be able to make Outdoor signs for things like "Welcome to ???????? Castle" or roadway signs for your paths or even to add sayings and such.
10) And move able blocks so you can make secret doors to hidden tunnels, it would be great to be able to make some more secrecy type items for hidding secret rooms and maybe even a whole under ground complex if you can hide the entrance.
11) conveyor belts for mining areas maybe you can set something up where if you are mining for a long time you have this conveyor behind you and it runs your ore,stone directly into your treasure chest storage.
12) the ability to replace stone if you happen to dig too deep or high and pierce through a tunnel or into another room and now need to cover that back up and want it to look like original stone not like blocks covering a whole
13) Skins from animals to add to the walls or to make coats and such.
14) Oh and lastly please do not remove Fly-Mode make it a server choice.......PleaseI love using Fly-Mode for building especially under ground you lay out all your floors,walls then dig it out this way you don't dig out too much and everything is perfect
Oh sorry forgot 9)I would like to see more decorations like coat of arms, flags, large items to hang on walls like they had in old castles to give it a more ancient feel. As well more variety on statues and a way to light them either a torch holder in the back of it or maybe a brazier at the feet, also a way to make larger statues possibly up to 100' high would be great. And possibly something like a war banner or something is what want or a coat of arms banner for the castle walls. thank you
Ah there we go website and forum different sign ins for some reason. anyways some ideas I would like to see added at some point,
1)Quick Destroy if you build a large item/area of blocks and then want to change/modify that area/item it is a pain to sit there for however many hours it could take banging out 1 block at a time.
2)A way to cover a larger area with blocks when building something like Prison Architect has where there is a design mode where you design out what you want to build it puts in on the map in a white outline which is still visible in regular mode then when you are ready to build you know where everything is suppose to go. As well they have a Copy icon that can take small sections of of the normal map and duplicate it exactly where ever you want.
3)Be able to lay muti blocks going up not just left to right and or diagonal.
4)A big azz spotlight i built a 80 or so block high outpost and no really good way to light it without if looking silly.
5)When you use the new feature to pick things up I learned the hard way if it is a chest you loose everything inside of it (so i lost a chest full -both pages- of food), so would be nice if the items stayed in the chest not sure you can do that but at least I know now to empty if first if I move one.
6)Would be nice when constructing large items (Castles,Roads,ect ect) to be able to use blocks that are in your inventory(any inventory not just on your personal inventory) instead of constantly having to run back and fourth if you have the blocks in a chest they will auto use them.
7)And the rest are ones I am sure you have heard many times more weapons,armor,different level of tools(cobalt pick axe,ect ect ) so you can get faster mining times or get more ore's,rock each time that sort of thing. As well npcs that you can interact with sell items buy items do quests with might be a cool thing or build them a,fence something like that kinda quest or to kill a monster or something.
8)Seeing as there is a Hell we think there should be a Heaven that you can build to (unless you have this already) would be cool to mine some hell stone then build a hell stone castle in Heaven. haha but I guess that is some ideas for now I am really enjoying the game so far and can not wait for it to be completed if it keeps going in this direction should be an Awesome game.