Posts by Dead0ne

    Hi Red/Devs,

    Hi Guys I'm an admin on one of the servers (Freaks R Us) for several months now and play nearly every day.
    Just wanted to say that I love this game...and it looks least it did before these so called "performance updates".. I run a very capable system..a GTX970 graphics card 16G of Ram...a good i7 can run any AAA title on ultra settings at 1080p without an issue.

    Before the recent updates I could run RW on Ultra Quality FullScreen at full 1080p resolution...with a view distance of 45 chunks and a detail distance of 15... it was smooth and beautiful.

    But since these updates I now have to run it at far lower resolutions...often windowed and at a lower graphics quality...even with the settings set that low the game keeps crashing on me, I get repeated TDR exceptions (the game never loads first time, it often takes me 4 or 5 attempts just to get it running), blue screen graphics failures, severe lag, and really bad graphics glitches. On top of that in the dark nothing reflects artificial light...items, plants, scenery are as black as night.

    I'm not sure what the "improvements" were supposed to achieve, you are the programmers, but in my opinion the game was far more stable before you made these changes...I'm not sure any improvement in memory use is a fair substitute for the loss in graphics performance.

    I hope you listen to the community on this. I know these problems are not exclusive to me and that our players on the Freaks server are also having graphics issues..the amount of relogs we are seeing has gone up dramatically which is another indicator that things are not running smoothly. I have seen that you care about our opinions..please please please take another look at this before it gets any worse..