Posts by max2go

A new update is now available, introducing a lot of new content!
Latest hotfix: (2024-09-10)

    i second Scruffy's input, also, an auto-decay feature would be nice, where you set either in-game hours or RL hours (i think the latter might make more sense, but both would work) of players being offline, their AP would automatically be deleted - this would prevent people to come on, AP a bunch of stuff and then call it quits, with those areas lingering around for no good reason. i'd recommend default decay hours of 7 days = 24 * 7 = 168 hours.

    i second your input, however, if this one is fixed i think i'd prefer it over yahgiggle; that said, i'm running yahgiggle's ATM (in fact since my post above) and it seems to be doing its job quite well. there are some issues (i / players on my server have) with it, but that's not the right thread to discuss this.

    I just started using this plugin yesterday, things went fine but today some user did delete all the AP areas - that user was not an area manager (there are none)... so, in other words, everyone can delete anyone's protected area :(

    ps.: in, adminOnly=0 because I want people to create, modify and delete their own areas so it doesn't turn into a micro-managed admin hell of a server, been there and done that with other game servers.

    Just some input from me about the two games mentioned:

    When it comes to Astral Terra, I was interested first too but after reading / hearing a bit it raised some alarm bells with me - it is for once in a very, very early stage, and that after two years of development, it also failed in its Kickstarter campaign, the dev team (wife and husband) make themselves / their "company" / "studio" out to be established game developer with a track record of games and that there are more than two people at work. Not to mention there are way too many colors used in the game (if you can find and search for the female developer's name, she has part of her hair colored purple - whatever floats her boat, but I'm not surprised I see those and other colors that don't really fit in a survival game... just my impression). It does have some water mechanics (flowing of water when digging next to it into the ground), but I think that's really about it. As such, it really is more of a tech demo and has a tremendous amount of work to go, or it's mainly appeal is to a much younger audience (early teens perhaps).

    "Novus Inceptio" - is also in a very early stage, you could argue even more so than Astral Terra. I had some feedback from the dev (in very broken English, he and associates of his are from the Czech Republic), who said that it's a life-long dream of his and he doesn't care about sales and he's making the game for himself and the way he wants it to be with disregard to "the customers". He said that he "outsources" things like 3D models, music and other things, as per need. He said also that he's got a job and earns enough money to not having to worry about paying for his living expenses by making sales. IMO though the EA game sells for as much as ARK, which is pretty much a fully working game (with steady updates, with mainly new content and game mechanics added, several times a week - even though it does run relatively poorly).

    On the OP's main topic, or at least its purpose - I can recommend a game that, although is not first-person and instead top-down, is Factorio. It is quite fun and complex - it's not about modifying the terrain, but instead manually (at the start) harvesting materials and then building machines and then a network of factories with transport belts and automated loading arms, plus defending everything from the primitive life-form that inhabits that world, with radar, turrets, walls and other methods (you can even build yourself a car / tank at some point).
    You can (and I recommend you do, to start out with) set, when you create your world, for the enemy to not attack on-sight, so they will in that case only attack you if you attack them. Even if you set them on aggro, it's not a biggie initially (unless you're unlucky and are close to them from the start on and surrounded) as long as you watch not getting too close to them and not creating too much pollution to attract them early on.
    There's wood, coal and later on oil to fuel your respective power generating machines and furnaces, though you can at some point go completely "off the grid" with solar energy. There are also automated robots that you can build later on, for logistics and other purposes.
    To unlock technologies, you need to build and supply (with a few different types of items) research centers - the items they require (and other items) you can produce in factories, though those factories require various machine / electronic parts to produce those, and so on - so you have to really think things through and remove (non-destructive, it'll go into your inventory) items and change things around, to make best use of the space and have a steady flow of supplies going (from raw materials to refined materials to ingredients for whatever you need in the end and in-between).

    Also, once a13 of 7D2D is out (unless you don't have the game yet, then you might want to get it, it's already a lot of fun now) then that'll probably give the game some much needed fresh air and various improvements, game mechanic wise, not just graphics wise - the update should be coming out in the next weeks or so, AFAIK, supposedly nothing new is added and only tested and bug-fixed and tweaked. I'm quite excited about that new patch and look very much forward to that.

    Before all that, a question - can the dev please post a dev road-map (past, current, future pre-release, release, and post-release) as a sticky (either the info is in there, or link to it - perhaps a Google spreadsheet?).

    I already posted a few weeks ago on Steam discussions that I'll get RW once it's off sale, because what I've seen on YT vids and read about, it looked promising to me then (and still does) and so I waited because I wanted to pay the full amount to support the dev a bit more. I said back then on the Steam discussions, I think the dev should change the price (if that's possible) at least a bit.

    For the purpose of a better understanding of my experience and opinions about RW, I run RW on maximum detail (everything is set to its maximum value) - here're my core system specs: i7-4790K, 32GB RAM, EVGA Titan X w/ trilpe-head (so far I ran it on 1920x1080, just now on 5900 x 1080 and runs the same way too).

    Also, to understand my input, these are the other survival / building games I have experience with -
    first person: 7D2D, ARK, The Long Dark (I was also thinking about getting Rust, but it just doesn't appeal to me so far)
    non-first-person: Don't Starve Together, Crea, Edge of Space, Signs of Life, Terraria, Minecraft (on phone)
    top-down w/ management: Factorio (the best IMO), Banished, Planetbase, Timber and Stone

    Now to my experience w/ RW so far, my thoughts and ideas:

    I like the graphics a lot, reminds me of 7D2D (even though before the a12 patch). I have no performance issues experienced so far, everything's buttery smooth, which is very important (can't say the same for ARK, so far, although it's passable) - perhaps it runs even a bit better than 7D2D (a12.x).

    A few things I have noticed and I'd like to have changed about the graphics:
    * The movement of grass looks nice further away, but up close the top just goes around in circles in the same direction all the time) - maybe add some randomness of how much it moves (speed, direction, radius, not just radial but also ellipsoid, ...) so it looks more natural.
    * Variation of grass types / height - maybe make it just a bit lower in general.

    Crafting and materials:
    * IMO would be best to stick to a proven crafting mechanism - I like 7D2D best in general (compared to ARK), but I don't like that you can just craft "in mid air" - I prefer that you'd have to be close to a workbench or other crafting station, like in Terraria and such, for the crafting that requires such. For lumber and sticks, IMO it'd be cool if you'd have to put down a log first and split the wood on it - but that's maybe for post-release, just adds more to realism and immersion.

    * I like the way you create basic elements of "a block" in 7D2D, IMO it makes sense but could be improved upon the way this works.

    * Instead of crafting for example a bed as a whole, how about that you'd have to use various crafting stations to create the bits and pieces of it - metal frame in one, the mattress in another for fabric related crafting (sewing), ... and in the end you put them together by placing the metal frame down and then the mattress on top (btw I hate spring mattresses - memory foam FTW ;) - that reminds me, I hope RW will allow in the future (but within version 1.0) to develop more advanced crafting stations, for electrical, electronical, biological and chemical engineering). Or for other objects that are made of various materials but are one object, let's say a metal base shovel with a wooden handle, you'd have to craft the metal part at one station, the wood part at another and then put both together and secure them w/ screws / nails / zip ties (lol) at a general workbench.

    * Also that you need to have respective tools active / in your inventory while you do that crafting - not a huge thing ATM, but would IMO add to realism and therefore immersion.

    Object placement:

    * I haven't explored in detail yet how all that works but I crafted a torch holder and put a torch in it - I like that a lot, great idea! (opposed to how it works in 7D2D where you just slap the torch or candle onto a wall lol) - I hope there are / will be wall mounts available too.

    * In general I think it'd be cool if you're required to have either nails or screws, plus the equivalent tool, to fasten wall mounts - and that certain ways of mounting only works on certain types of material (such as, you can't use nails or screws in dirt walls, but you'd have to use wooden sticks / stakes for that; or you have to use screws to mount something on stone walls) - there's probably a bunch where this can be expanded upon now, and in the future (such as the use of more advanced materials, such as either natural glue (from trees) or stronger glue, produced chemically).

    Variety of materials / biomes / water:

    * Sand - IDK if there's sand in RW yet, perhaps not, due to that requiring a beach / desert biome?
    * Water - please dev, solely focus on adding that ASAP, instead of a variety of biomes; IMO water (lakes mainly) is much more important than general biomes.
    * Biomes (desert / sand, snow / ice, ...) at some point would be nice, but IMO that's not as much of a priority as water sources themselves.


    IDK yet much about that - is there stuff (as in 7D2D, but hopefully not as broken as it is in a12.x ATM) like per-block / item durability and load / weight capability / capacity? Structural integrity?

    This is it so far. Thanks for reading and I look forward to any questions or answers - and of course, further RW patches with improvements!