Posts by Meltron

    :thumbup: Gute Idee. Man könnte es ja einfach so ändern, dass man z.B. Früchte mit der linken Maustaste konsumiert und mit der rechten wie ein Bauelement platzieren kann. Das würde die Frucht halt einfach irgendwie in die Welt legen, aber mehr ist ja eigentlic auch nicht nötig. Vielleicht sollte es dann noch so sein, dass wenn man mit dem Fadenkreuz über die Früchte geht, das Handsysmbol in einer anderen Farbe erscheint, damit man sieht, dass es nicht verschwinden kann.
    Bei den Waffen ist ein Angriff mit der rechten Maustaste eh komisch. Die sollte man aber am Besten genau wie die Bauelemente platzieren können, denn vermutlich möchten die meisten Spieler die Waffen nicht nur irgendwo hinlegen, sondern sie an die Wand hängen usw.

    So besides the common problems (animals attack through walls etc.) I have some other suggestions concerning ranges, damage etc. Note please that I might have made mistakes with the testing here ^^

    Range of the player:
    So, at first, I saw how far away I could stand away from the animals and still hit them with all the weapons.
    Pickaxe and Axe: 5 blocks away from the animal
    Sword: 4 blocks away - this seems odd, since the sword has the same size as the axes. Maybe the pickaxe should have a higher range, since the metal things adds a bit range I guess. But I find it definitely weird that the axe has a higher range than the sword.
    Huntingknife: Range is 3 blocks from the animal. This looks bad to me, since the sword is about 3 times as big as the knife, but only has a 1 block advantage concerning range.
    Battleaxe: Has a range of 5 blocks as well. I find this a bit too less compared to the pickaxe - the blade of the battleaxe is quiet big.
    Morningstar: Has a range of 5 blocks, too. Should be more since you can swing it around I guess.

    --> I would set the range of the pickaxe to 4 blocks and the axe and sword 3 blocks away from the enemy, at leat when attacking animals (maybe not for mining though). Seems reaonable at least for me since the axes and the sword are about 2 blocks long and the players arms are about a bit more than 1 block long. Based on this, I would set the knife's range to 1/3 of the range of the sword, so at 1 block only. Guess the range of the battleaxe should then stay at 5 blocks as it is now, since it should be around 1 block more than the pickaxe because of its large blade. The range of the morningstar should definitely be 1 block more than the pickaxe, so at 5 blocks, as it is now, as well. Might consider setting it to 6 blocks. Maybe the damage should then be reduced for long range attack, though.

    Damage with the different weapons:

    Dealt from about 1 block away. I think if you are very close to the animal and kinda glitch into it, you even need 1 hit less. So seems like it is even better to engage in a fight very closely than to run aways, since the animals have very wide range and are pretty fast.

    Pickaxe and Axe: Kill it with 3 hits
    Rollingpin ^^ : 35 hits to kill = most useless weapon ever ^^ Should be slightly buffed I guess, but it is not really a weapon anyway.
    Huntingknife: Kills it with 5 hits
    Sword, Battleaxe and Morningstar: Kill it with 2 hits

    Pickaxe and Axe: Kill it with 8 hits - Possible to kill it before the player dies.
    Huntingknife: Kills it with 14 hits - The player would probably die before he kills the moose.
    Sword Kills it with 6 hits - The elk will bring you down quiet low, but it is possible to kill him with them.
    Battleaxe and Morningstar kill it with 4 hits - remaining about one third of the players health.

    Pickaxe and Axe: Kill it with 8 hits - It is quiet easy to kill the bear with it when on full health.
    Huntingknife: Kills it with 14 hits.
    Sword: Kills it with 6 hits
    Battleaxe and Morningstar: Kills it with 4 hits.

    Speed of weapons:
    All the tools and weapons seem to swing with the same speed.

    --> Based on the damage dealed by weapon and their speed I would suggest

    the damage these weapons should do:
    I think that the sword should require one hit less than the pickaxe and axe. So that it does another 33% more damage than the axes. This is simply because the sword seems not that more powerful than these tools. I guess the sword should also attack about 33% faster than the axes.
    Guess the damge the battelaxe does compared to the sword is fine. But I think the battleaxe should do another 33% damage more than now. Also it probably should attack at only half the speed of the sword. Based on this, the morningstar could do 66% damage more than now, but in return would need double as long to swing than the battleaxe or something. I also think that in this context the huntingknife should attack 3 times faster than now.

    Range of animals:
    Now for the range the animals attack.
    Goat: Can still attack the player when he is 3 blocks away - I think the range of the goat should only be 2 blocks, especially when you consider that the elk who is way bigger and has a huge antlers has only a 1 block larger range.
    Moose: Can still attack the player when he is 4 blocks away - Seems pretty reasonable, maybe the damage should even be more when the player is close to the moose.
    The bear also has a range of 4 blocks. Guess 3 blocks would be better for him, if we compare him to the huge range the elk should have with its huge antlers.

    Attacking speed of animals:
    I think they all attack at the same speed. I would suggest that the goat attack the fastest and about 50% faster than the bear and the bear again should probably attack 50% faster than the moose, since the bear and moose have a higher range in contrast. Maybe the current attacking speed of the animals is fine though, I don't really know ^^

    Damage of animals:
    Goat, moose and bear all kill with 6 hits; 5 hits bring the player down to almost no health already (when the player has full health) = around 20% damage per hit.
    This definitely seems off to me. The bigger animals should not only have more health than the goat (more health = can take more hits from stronger weapons, did not want to include health here as well ^^). I think that the goat bear sould do the most damage, followed by the moose and then the goat. I would say that the moose should do maybe 3 times the damage of a goat and the bear would do maybe 50% more damage than the elk.
    I don't know about specific numbers (so how much health of the player a hit would consume), because when we take the current 20% as the damage the goat deals and add that number up for the bear and goat, these animals would surely be overpowered. Might be better to take 20% as the max for one hit (so the damage the bear deals) and scale it down for the other two. So that the elk would to about 13 damage then and the goat about 6.5 damage per hit.

    Running speed of animals:

    They seem to have all the same speed. When I fought them for the first time, I though that they are way too fast. But you get actually hardly hit, when you just walk away. If you sprint, they won't even hit you. Guess it is really the range of the animals that is a bit off. Guess we should analyze this again when the animals have differen ranges ^^

    Würde mal sagen, dass es laufen müsste. Zwar nicht wirklich gut, aber immerhin laufen ^^

    Hast du denn in der nvidia Systemsteuerung die NVIDIA GeFroce GT 360M als globalen Grafikprozessor festgelegt oder nur für Rising World?

    Slow down hunger a little more. Is it just me? Seems I spend 60% of game time eating.

    Seems fine to me. I only notice this, when I am doing something other than the game for too long while it runs in the back.

    I'd like walking to be closer to sprint speed and sprint speed faster, just seems like I'm crawling.

    Seems fine to me, as well. I actually would not find it realistic if you could sprint even faster with a pickaxe. But I guess it could work like in CS:GO, e.g. that when you have just a knife (or nothing at all) equiped, you could sprint a lot faster. Might actually be a good thing, if you would walk very slowly when you have a plank in your hand - for the purpose of realism as well as that the player e.g. uses weapons more, and not only in fights.

    And the sound of walking is like I'm wearing tap shoes or high heels

    Well, you should not play CS:GO then, I guess. Still don't get the sounds there ^^

    It would also be nice to be able to "crouch" and lean over the block you're on to add to it without falling off (your roof)

    Good suggestion. This reminds me of that the crouching does not look like you are actually crouching anymore since some update @red51 idk ^^

    I'm still struggling with the ladder. Going up is easy, but coming down, I fall most of the time.

    Yup, no CS:GO for you :P

    Add another torch type, maybe one with a nail so you can easily and quickly set it up on the cavern wall.

    Are the wooden and metal torchmounts not good enough for this already? But actually might be a good idea to have a more simplyfied torch to put on walls in a mine. Or that you can set a torch on a thing like this when you go down in a shaft (besides some modern lamp you can put on your helemt of course). And you should then also be able to put torches on mine carts, when they are in the game.

    Secondary click on door/chest to open? Or would that interfere with something else?

    Would work and be useful I guess. Might just disable this function for stuff you can place. E.g. when you have a block out, you should not be able to open a chest with the right mouse, since you could accidently place the block in your world etc.