Posts by Heimdel

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Was just doing my house and noticed for the older time periods light sources are a little limited. Candles and little oil filled lamps would be a very welcome addition. Looks strange having a torch in a wooden building with the flames licking the wooden ceiling =O

    Hi this a great little plugin I was just wondering do we need to make a new folder for each object that we include as iv got the Guest book working all ok but cant seen to add anything els? I know its me not doing something right, im guessing this will be the same for both single player / server?

    The two are different plugins. Inside the plugins folder you should have separate folders for each plugin you have. ie one folder called "Guestbook" and one called "StaticModels".

    Inside the Guestbook folder you will have the assets folder, the coordinates text file and the Guestbook jar file. To add guestbooks to your world you add the co-ordinates in the coordinates text file.

    Inside the StaticModels folder their will be the StaticModels jar file and when you extract it the dog. MODEL file and the dog folder. The files for the dog are there as an example to show how it works and also so you can copy and rename the .MODEL file for other models. The MODEL file can be edited (best with notepad++) to add the rotataion, scale and co-ords of the model and also where the model itself and texture are stored. so if you look at the dog.MODEL it shows that the texture and .obj file are in the dog folder.

    So I have added a statue model. Inside the SaticModels folder I have added a file called statue01.MODEL with the coords, rotation and scale also showing where the .obj and texture are; in this case in a folder called statue01 so the file looks like:


    In the StaticModels folder I then have another folder named statue01 and inside this folder are the statue.obj and file.

    The above will cause the statue to appear at -485,76.5,1090 and roatated 90 degrees round y axis (horizontally).

    Unfortunately some of us are having problems with the plugin and the only way to get the models to show is open up the console with the ` key and type rp this reloads the plugins and the model will show (if it shows with no texture just repeat the rp command)

    Hope this helps.

    Can you try to install the guestbook plugin and tell me whether you have to reload plugins to see the guestbook?

    Same as nicewolf, guestbook is there model isn't. Other thing I noticed is the texture takes two reload plugins to load when there is more than one model, or model and guestbook.

    ie first rp shows model without texture (bright white), second rp loads texture too.

    I can't explain me why... For me everything's working ?(;(

    Could it have anything to do with the age of the world as mine is rather old infact was dec 2015? I'll create a new world and check.

    Edit: Nope that didnt work either still need to reload plugins.

    Even if I just exit to menu then re-enter world they disappear and need to be reloaded.

    Its probably because of win10 cause that breaks loads of stuff :evil:

    @Galveston01 I also have to use the rp command to get any models to show in my world. This has to be done everytime the world is loaded.

    @sg-1 I had this problem as well. Open up the console with ` and then type rp this reloads the plugins, however is only a temporary command, and then your models should show. The co-ords you entered seemed correct to me.

    That's so nice the water spawned like that looking like a real stream / river. I haven't seen any rivers spawn like that other than your picture but I am glad that is possible.

    You won't have its all hand crafted :)

    I'm a terrain crafter rather than a buildings crafter although I do tinker with buildings as well.

    That made me smile I read it correctly but my head totally misread it and all I could see were little pink and blue bears with rainbows on their chests chasing monsters away. :D

    CAN you make a building by placing floating blocks? I've been trying to. All I can do is attach blocks to other sedentary parts of the game. I can make rather unrealistic structures, stone pillars that would topple in real life, but they're all attached to something. I like it like that, though. It makes building things more rewarding if I think that there's a sense of realism to it, some challenge, you know. Plus, I think the whole point of projects like this is ultimately figuring out ways to destroy the buildings you create. Like building an ex's house in the game and doing things to it that would get you arrested IRL

    Ok I misworded that however I'm struggling how to reword it.

    "If RW had physics try building any building without using supports first...and supports for the supports etc etc."

    Hmmm I don't build stuff to ultimately destroy it....perhaps I've led a sheltered upbringing and am missing out on life

    Thats right.The foundation of the game might be life realism but modding creates those extra preferences that people have.I would like to see some skeletons in the future but I dont like exploding creepers.Cannot call a skeleton something non realistic because everyone has one inside.The underground caves will be creepy If similar mods hunt them.I do like the bear attacks too though.I believe that most people who chose to play this game,is because they like to build villages,cities,structures on a beautiful voxel world.If they want a bunch of ferocious monsters,there are tons of other games out there.A little bit of fantasy is part of life though and breaks down boredom.Anyways,no matter what they put out there,I will support this game and effort all the way,full steam.

    A bit of a sweeping statement that. At the moment the majority of people play for the building as that is really all that there is, there are plenty of us out there that want survival with monsters - not exploding creepers that's minecraft but big creepy crawlies, skeletons etc your standard low fantasy fare.

    Rising world can and from what I see will be both, with dungeons being a future update, and if all you want to do is build then there is creative as that also doesn't have the thirst and starve mechanic either to worry about.

    With regards to physics if "real world physics" were implemented it would make building almost impossible (and if not impossible really difficult)...try making any form of building in RW without placing floating blocks.

    Water physics on the other that will be nice and one I am waiting for, nothing like a bit of flowing water to make a picturesque setting (Oh and bridges to hide yer trolls under ;p ).

    With reference to my willow tree woes and my incredibly scientific study of rising world trees I came to the following conclusion:

    For wood there is no point in growing any other trees apart from poplars as they give the most wood back as well as plenty of saplings.

    So my question is this; are there plans to have the different woods do different things/give different coloured lumber to make the different coloured wood blocks, planks and beams or are the trees going to be purely for aesthetic purposes?

    Alternatively will the trees eventually have differing growth times? i.e. poplars take longer to grow as they give more wood.

    This makes me look overly obsessed with wood and honestly I'm not......I love rocks just as much, in fact the same could be said about rocks...will you require sandstone for sandstoney (Looks like I made that word up but it really should exist!) coloured blocks.

    Grass grows back now? I haven't played much since the biomes update so I must have missed the announcement of this one. Does it also spread into dirt areas which have been raked?

    No grass doesn't grow back unless you plant it.
    Unless of course you have super powered tears of woe from finding no saplings!!
    On that note I did a scientific test...well me running around like a mad willow was safe. It would appear that after about 20 trees (see that scientific it was "about") I got just over half back in saplings, so it appears weighted towards the 0 saplings than the 2 saplings. Unless of course I was just unlucky again.

    Thanks for the suggestion, I did try that after the third or so tree thinking I was just missing them. Now however the grass grows back so quickly as I keep watering it with my tears :D

    At the moment for a path you either just have a dirt path made with the rake or you use blocks which if its a cobblestone path looks a bit weird (unless I'm missing something that is).

    It would be great if there was a tool that you could use to do a texture overlay, that way you could create a stone path that blended in to the surrounding textures (just like using the hoe to create tilled soil) and followed the contours of the land. The tool could still have a cost so that it wouldn't get abused ie: 1 stone to use.

    Been playing for a while but not really chopped down willows until recently and I noticed seemed to be a very low sapling drop rate and after playing today I was lucky if I got a drop at all. So not sure if I've been extremely unlucky (about 10 willows cut down and no sapling), if the drop rate has been set to very low or if its a bug. Other trees seem ok just willows.

    For those of us with super computers, well pretty good computers at least, is it possible to up the grass view distance using the config file? I know the game looks great as it is but it would be made greater if I couldn't see the grass "spawn" into existence.
    Having said that spawn is a strong word its more like you see it "grow" into view.