i was thinking the canteen, but the bucket is used to fill ponds, and what i heard, the canteen was oringially going to be part of the new player models, so it could go anywhere i guess.
Posts by King Nothing
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
thank you for tghe scaffolding that will help when we are on servers with flymode disabled
i wonder what the update is tomorrow?
I know the primitive survival is in the works and we will be getting some more primitive tools eventually. I was thinking of also more primitive structures should be creaftable and crafted in the player's personal crafting menu, not a workbench. Basically we should be able to build a few varieties of primitive storage containers which have smaller storage capacity than their workbench counterparts. These would be great for situations where we are starting out and do not have the lumber to craft a sawbench.
- Implementation of reed, hemp and other new plants (I know this was discussed before and is in the works but its all related to being able to collect thatch and plant fibers so I'm bringing it up again)
- With the implementation of the above, add a new circular saw blade and a sawblade component to the anvil and make these required ingredients for crafting a sawbench.
I'm Still wating for Corn.
I'm building a Lake From the Ground up, LOL I started building a waterfront, it looks pretty decent, I might post pics as soon as i finish a couple buildings. hoping to get more lighting choices soon,
Don't forget kumkuats!
I hate to say it but the new update is NOT compatiblae with old worlds, there Are tears in the terrain and i got stuck in short grass
The update will be available shortly (maybe the timeframe will be exceeded by a few minutes). We have to upload the update and prepare an announcement. Eventually the update may be available before the announcement is ready. Old worlds will still be compatible, but it's highly recommended to create a backup of your worlds, in case something unexpectedly goes wrong
I just got a Chill... LOL I'm so READY
i was going to say the same thing.. it is offically 901 PM GMT and NO update
Is it Wednesday yet???
did you happen to READ the blue Banner on top with the i?/ are you trolling?
Hurry up next week!
Its going to be warm here this Weekend, I would LOVE to take a Dip in the lake -- but i Can't There is NO WATER --- Please give me some water!
I hate to be the one to pull a Bart Simpson but...
Are we there yet?
DOH! shut up or I'll come back there!
I don't need anything fancy. I am fine with a paddle boat or a speed boat. Or better yet a yacht.
I'm Fine with a Log and a Stick
Almost 1 month later and still no water update, what a game.
It will be out soon, red is One person,
No need to be a jerk
I've been playing Roller Coaster Tycoon World until the H20 Comes
NPCs in SINGLEplayer to populate the towns.. I don't like Multiplayer, every Server i've played on went down and i wasted hours building something that i would never get back.
i hope we get actual cities or Towns in single player, or having a rail system would be kinda piontless.
now i can LIve in a Van By the River!