Posts by Ryan

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    My inspirations came from Deirdre. I bought Rising World in 2015, had a hell of a time building anything. In like 2016 or so, Deirdre submitted her Villa mit Pool blueprint; we don't have very many homes like that where I live, and I instantly fell in love with contemporary modern homes. They remind me of when I was stationed in California. An internet image search gave me thousands of homes like Deirdre's to work with.

    So, Deirdre, California, and the internet's why I build what I do.

    Happy day! I didn't know that our window frames are now as advanced as they are, I've been gone for a long time. I don't need to chisel anything. So, I guess I have to change my statement to just "I'm hoping for an advanced cooking system some day". This game's come such a long way since the last time I played; looks like it's about time to revamp all of my old blueprints. Now I'm really excited.

    I'm not waiting on anything, but there's a few features that I have my fingers crossed for. I really like the mealmaking in Vintage Story; combining meat with different veggies to make different soups and stews and whatnot. Red has said nothing to my knowledge about mealmaking, but a dude can dream.

    I also like being able to chisel blocks in Vintage Story. I made my own window frames here:

    I know we can resize blocks in Rising World; I'm not sure chiseling is a needed function. However, I really enjoyed chiseling; again, a guy's allowed to dream :)

    I had to look it up, I do believe we had the 500. I loved Blood Money. If I remember right, DMA Design turned into Rockstar, which is responsible for the Grand theft Auto games. But yes, Blood Money does indeed have a catchy beat. We also had Street Sport Basketball and Footman.

    Interesting, I don't remember Desert Tank; that seems like it would have been up my alley. According to the internet, Desert Tank was released by Sega in 1994, which makes sense being that there's the Sega logo right there by the seat of the cab. That would explain it, isn't it wild how memories come flooding back?! In the late '80s, my parents got my brother and I an Amiga, which kind of ended trips to the arcade. We had two games; Blood Money and The Faery Tale Adventure. My brother and I developed an interest in RoboCop right around '90, so she picked up an Amiga game called Roadwars, since the cover art had a guy whom she thought looked RoboCop-ish. The game was nothing like RoboCop, but it was still fun. However, what my mom didn't know was that you could bump your partner off the road, and were sometimes even encouraged to do so. Sibling fights kind of ended gaming in our household for a huge chunk of time after that.

    I watched that, my favorite was the episodes about Aladdin's Castle. My go-to game there was Tron. And I learned two things; 1) There's one Aladdin's Castle left, in Illinois, and 2) Those tokens still sell on E-bay. I had a bunch of Aladdin's Castle and 4th Street Book Exchange coins; I sold enough to get a new e-cig and a nice piece of malachite I've had my eye on at V-Rock.

    You know what I think would be fun? To be able to do something with tree stumps. People like to take the small stumps and make little end tables out of them. Some of those turds, like at Lumens and Groms, are expensive, like between $600 and $1k. Sometimes, it looks like the took a cross section of them, varnished it, and made a table top out of it, and those turds are expensive, too. And, then, on Wayfair, I'm looking at a sled coffee table, the table top looks part wood and part glass, that thing's like over $10k! So, I think it might be fun if we could carve stumps in the game. Not a suggestion, just a "I think that would be fun if..."

    No apologies needed. I have an i5-2400 and a GTX 1050; I expected to take much more of a performance hit on an old rig like this than what I experienced.

    What? We have to buy the new version? I think there's a misunderstanding, because the store page says that we get all updates free. Doesn't it? I'll take a look real quick. Yup, "Your purchase entitles you to receive all future updates free of charge"

    This is awesome! It's furnished, but it doesn't have unnecessary clutter. It has good flow, it's not unnecessarily complicated; it's awesome. Thank you for this :):thumbup::thumbup:

    Dude, this is freaking awesome! Normally, I can't stand people's decorations, room dividers and peacocks and crap, but finally someone submits something I can actually use. Thank you so much! I'll be looking forward to seeing your pub :)

    I think I've got to put this one on hold for a bit. My original vision was just a forty room hotel. That was easy to do; each floor had four little clumps of five units, with halls in between and down the middle. With a small hotel like that, I don't expect that much. Staff break room, staff washer/dryer room, a few conference rooms, a small cafeteria that offers one of those little continental breakfasts and watered down coffee, a tiny little swimming area where you know the kids of every hotel patron have peed in. All of that's easy to do. But then I tried to go big by turning a tiny hotel into a couple thousand unit resort. That's the type of place I'd expect a few more amenities from. My little pee and chlorine swimming hole had better be like a legit swimming pool, my tiny cafeteria with it's limp bacon and powder eggs better be like an actual dining area. Places like that have little gift shops. The resort I was in even had an entertainment area; I got to see Laser Floyd. My crappy hotel coffee had better be like a Starbuck's kiosk, or at least a Dunkin' Donuts. So, there's things I want to see if we get, and there's other stuff I'm not certain how to pull off yet. So, I'm going to leave this blueprint as a small, half destroyed hotel for now.

    I took down most of my blueprints, as I want to rework most of them. But this little number doesn't need much rework in my opinion. Here's the side view (picture 1), front view (pic 2), first floor, and second floor. There is nothing new in this version compared to the last one, but it coincides with my Hot Mess Hotel. I really do use Hot Mess in every world I start. However, sometimes, the character that I'm roleplaying will take one look at that place and walk away. That hotel is potentially a huge endeavor; I see pools and spas, conference rooms, staff break rooms, a gym, linen closets, cafeterias; all types of stuff. Some of my characters see that and freak. So, for them, I place this little house a short way down the beach. It doesn't have many special amenities; a stove, a corresponding table and chair, a couch for a quick power nap, a desk to sit and dream, scheme, and contemplate, and a bathroom ( again to dream, scheme, and contemplate). Oh, the back! I'll have to throw a picture of that up, too. There we go, pic#5. The back is completely unfurnished, bc I've never really found a use for it. I could put a barbecue back there, but that means I have to have a door leading from the bathroom to outside, which I don't like. I could shorten the bathroom, but I hate tiny bathrooms, they feel claustrophobic to me, and how am I to daydream in such a tiny space? Anyway, there ya have it, my tiny Bachelor Pad.

    What in the world is this jank? Lol, it's how I start every world. My character wakes up in front of this building (picture 1) with no clue of what it is or even where he/she is. Upon entry (picture 2), it appears to be part of a hotel. You have the little reception desk there, the room to the right (picture 3) contains the stairs to the second floor, to the left (picture 4) is a hall with a series of rooms. None of these rooms are furnished (picture 5). So, what the heck's going on? Maybe my character was part of a demolition crew and took a nasty bump on the head. Or perhaps they're part of a construction crew. Perhaps they're in a computer simulation, with instructors watching to see what the character does. Or a variety of other options. This is how I start all of my games, because it opens a variety of possibilities for me. If I place fully constructed buildings, what's left to do with it? I fill the pantries and closets, but then what? But with partially constructed buildings, I have a myriad of possibilities. Sometimes, I finish just one room and call it a day. Sometimes, my character finishes the hotel, considering it to be a test/challenge. Sometimes, my character changes the color scheme. Sometimes, my character hesitantly completes the second room, maybe it's like a "if you build it, they will come" type scenario. Sometimes, My character scraps the whole thing and builds a house with the remnants. Other times, he or she completely walks away, saying "i'm not in the mood for this Bob the Builder crap!". At any rate, I present to you how I start every game, with my partially completed/destroyed Hot Mess Hotel.

    Alright, this whole thread can be taken down if needed, as I won't be adding to it any more. Here's my thinking; I originally thought it would be convenient to have all my blueprints in one place. However, I've realized that this could get very disorganized. Let's say I submit five blueprints. Then, one day, I make an alternative to my first one, and then submit a sixth blueprint, and give an alternative to #2 and 4, and then 7 through ten, etc. That gets messy, I personally don't like sifting through stuff, so I can't expect others to. So, from now on, I'm doing one thread per blueprint.