oke thanks its works on the mac
Posts by Jjustmee22
The next update will be available on Wednesday, December 18, in the early evening (GMT+1).
This update will not yet replace the Java version, instead it is the actual content update. We'll provide more information about the transition together with the update.
oke thanks i wil try and an app version for ios ?
sorry for all this questions :p
is there i mac version
okay and where can I change that?
okay that's exactly what I mean, that happens to be is already an app for ios
Dear people
hello people evry body its free to kom us
available plugins
-teleportwe shall play with real time 24h
(1 hour of play is one real hour)
- Trees and plants grow slower
(You can see it as hardcore survivial)ACTIVE ADMIN'S
-play Vrind corpse
- The ruin of others farm, country ect. there will be a penalty
(Can lead to permanent ban)Admins are bothered by language
see you soon -
I can change the times, how long it takes for a tree grows sow yes where found the filles
try setplayergroup Group playername and Group with capital
is there sombody that have a money system ?
Blocks trees and stuff ... like sum seconds / minutes later come out and sometimes just do not. Why is that and what can I do about it?
i have found it bhut Another question about installing java -jar -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M server.jar
ram = 15360 MB CPU Memory = 8 = 50
okey i wil try that sorry for my bad enlish
okay sorry i am a leek SQlite its a program and mySQL its in the web bhut i have no inlog from theze
it is possible to the cmd (chat) external also to use? if so, how thanks
okay where somewhere is that in the world database? Thanks for the quick reply
hallo i run an server and there are a lot of animals to mutch buth aim bulding up ant a dont like the animals at tise moment how remove them i have try to server propertie set in on false bhut there noting hapens ??
no problem what are the requirements for a good server? I can also make one yourself I still have an old PC (1year) i7 16gb ... and klijn gaming PC but I always get a java / Ports problem or know someone how I can do this you might want to help celluloses o distance
Worldpart generating...
08/16/2016 04:32 PM server.Main
SEVERE: Fatal error occurred!
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:152)
at r.u.a(SourceFile:799)
at r.u.a(SourceFile:704)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:279)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:579)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:198)
at server.util.a.a(SourceFile:144)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:1192)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:1098)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:940)
at server.Main.c(SourceFile:437)
at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:283)
at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:92)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(NullContext.java:86)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.run(NullContext.java:129)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)Fatal error occurred!
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.util.ArrayList.<init>(ArrayList.java:152)
at r.u.a(SourceFile:799)
at r.u.a(SourceFile:704)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:279)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:579)
at r.l.a(SourceFile:198)
at server.util.a.a(SourceFile:144)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:1192)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:1098)
at server.c.a(SourceFile:940)
at server.Main.c(SourceFile:437)
at server.Main.initApplication(SourceFile:283)
at commons.JIWApplication.initialize(SourceFile:92)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.initInThread(NullContext.java:86)
at com.jme3.system.NullContext.run(NullContext.java:129)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)Uncaught exception thrown in Thread[jME3 Headless Main,5,main]
Shutdown 1 database threads...
08/16/2016 04:32 PM x.a
INFO: DatabaseTaskManager stopped!hello guys wat is here the problem i try to update my server en than i got this :p
if screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} is already running";
screen -dmSL ${SCREEN_NAME} java -Xmx${MEMORY}m -Xms$(($MEMORY/2))m -jar server.jarif screen -ls | grep [.]${SCREEN_NAME}[[:space:]] > /dev/null
echo "${txtgrn}${SCREEN_NAME} is successfully started${txtreset}"
echo "${SCREEN_NAME} an error has occurred${txtreset}"
fithe message in red I get who can tell me what I can do
wire its the script