Posts by Nearly500badgers

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    It was a little harder than I imagined it would be. For iron grates, they don't line up properly. Adjusting them using the grid didn't work, eventually I just had to eyeball it. Also, if you line one up with the grid right next to any block structure, when the door opens it clips into the wall. I got it after like, 10 minutes, though. So yeah. Better doors added to the suggestions list would be great.
    When you're setting doors up, the green arrows showing which way the door opens up need to more accurately reflect how far the door opens Right now it's off by about 5 centimeters. It also needs to more accurately reflect the pivot point, which is also off by about 2.5 centimeters.

    Well that makes so much more sense than my idea to rotate the doors just like you would blocks with the up and down arrow key.

    Also, it won't really be that difficult to set up. Just use g to show the grid, put down one door, use g again, set the other door down right next to it but don't place it, hold the left mouse button and figure out with grid square the left edge of the door is going to land on, then rotate the door ninety degrees with the arrow keys and put it down on the grid square where it was going to be.

    The only thing that I wish could happen would be a single click to open both doors.

    -Dynamic Building/Constructing-
    I personally haven't played Landmarks, but I love the idea that the trailers inspired with creation of voxel shapes in-game. I'd love to finally be able to make differing sizes of cylinders. And everything else.

    -Water formations/Water biomes-
    I'm really excited for water as well.

    Fishing and Swimming underwater are going to be huge to the development process. As long as it's more difficult/impossible to catch fish by hand, then I'm going to be content.

    -New and different Sound Effects-
    I love this idea. One of the first things I noticed was the mining sound as well, and it bothers me still. I think it's also funny that if you hit a fern with an axe it makes the same sound as a tree.

    -Rare animals/creatures killed for trophies-
    I really like this idea as well, particularly for lions, tigers, etc. Fantasy animals and monsters would be awesome as well, gryphons, minotaurs, unicorns,

    -High quality textures-
    I'm still really ticked off with the way grass textures make the world look. Maybe if it weren't so obviously the same grass everywhere, but I just don't like the forest parts of the world because they look so bland. High quality and more variance in the textures and sizes of flora would be a huge plus.

    -More threatening creatures-
    As it stands, there is not much of a reason for me to build shelter to seek safety from the night or from much of anything. To get away from bears I can just haul up in a cave and be good until I get the equipment to take them on.

    -More wildlife-
    Different animals/creatures depending on what biome/cave layer you are in, herds/packs/families, offspring and older animals, variance in animals textures (Not all cows, goats, chickens, and pigs look the same.) Birds would be great.

    -Able to create waypoints-
    Yes. Please, yes.


    -Character Customization-
    All of the yes.

    -Furniture of Differing styles-
    This can cover a variety of things, so I don't need to get detailed here, but one thing I would like to mention is a plethora of lighting options and designs. Also when water is implemented I would like an aquarium or the ability to house caught fish in glass containers.

    Great Suggestions, I'm all for them.

    I'd love a simple outside quarter round block, the opposite if the inside quarter round.
    I'd also love to see blocks that can be nested into a single block outline, like two of the slope blocks occupying one block area to make a block that is two textures. Also A way to change one face texture so interior and exteriors can be different textures without being two blocks thick.

    I like this idea. I already suggested something similar in another thread, like expandable block sizes. Something similar to the click-and-drag to place multiple blocks, when you click and drag cylinder blocks have the option to either place multiple cylinders or expand the base radius of the block by dragging it diagonally.

    I really like the multiple texture idea. I think this could be a great UI update, something akin to the HALO Creative mode.

    I think it'd be interesting to be able to create multiple blocks of varying degrees of rotation, I'm not sure if this is already implemented, but you know the rotation graphic you can click in the upper left hand of the block window to stop the automatic rotation? What if it were functional, and the blocks stayed at that rotation? (with option to snap to grid) and you could flip certain blocks (Cylinders, stairs, slopes, etc.) 90 degrees for sideways fencing, walls, etc.?

    I love gothic arches, too. I'm trying to build a somewhat recognizable castle in my own world and it's either going to be ridiculously huge in comparison to the real life one to seem pixelated in form or it's going to be a future update of the creation/crafting system. Probably both.

    Spiral Staircase/cylinder - I love this idea, combined with the cylinder idea it'd be kind of curious to see how it would work in game. Blocks already have slope and stair as options, cylinder's as well, and I'm completely with you on the need to be able to resize them to build something akin to everything from this website: http://medievalcastles.stormth…-of-a-medieval-castle.htm, especially the battlements, but never had a wide enough diameter (I felt) for the base. Being able to re-size block areas, given enough raw material, would be a very nice addition to the f1 options for placement. (id est, 1 cylinder block = 1 base radius. 4 cylinder blocks = x2 base radius, and on. The same concept for stairs.)
    Steam - Some options are in dire need of rewording, I agree. Your suggestions are a definite improvement. It took me a while to figure out the multiplayer, too.
    Roofing Material - great idea.
    Molding - another great idea.
    Re-sizing doors - You can snap things to grid, press "g" in-game. If you need more options of things that you can do, build a drawbridge and press f1. For some reason this is the only way the placement help menu comes up for me, but once I got the information i became a master builder.
    Animated Placeable Objects - Swinging doors are just going to be the start. Once the electric system gets built... expect the awesome. And yay Drawbridges! Thanks, Red!
    Blue Prints - I haven't used this option yet, so I'm kind of tempted to see if the number pad/arrow keys work for it, like normal placements? I don't know. I'll try it (4,5,6 and <v> typically change position of objects, if you didn't know. I'll still try and report back.)
    Creative Mode Erase Tools - yes. God, yes. "click and drag to create a line of the placed objects in your hand," now pick them apart one by one because you accidentally pressed the right mouse button. Ick.
    Create Mode - I have to disagree with you on this one, but I guess that's what mods are for. I personally like it at least partially realistic.

    Great suggestions. :)

    try making any form of building in RW without placing floating blocks.

    CAN you make a building by placing floating blocks? I've been trying to. All I can do is attach blocks to other sedentary parts of the game. I can make rather unrealistic structures, stone pillars that would topple in real life, but they're all attached to something. I like it like that, though. It makes building things more rewarding if I think that there's a sense of realism to it, some challenge, you know. Plus, I think the whole point of projects like this is ultimately figuring out ways to destroy the buildings you create. Like building an ex's house in the game and doing things to it that would get you arrested IRL.

    Maybe I'm projecting.

    I'd really like to see something like this. I second all the way. The floating plants, animals and mountains are annoying. Down with the floating bits!

    I love this game so far. Amazing work and detail put into all of the creation engine so far, and I'm having a blast trying to not die from thirst. Great Alpha.
    These are coded by things that are being worked on currently, things that are possibly going to be put in the game and regular suggestions.

    • Open modding engine. Release a "Creation Kit" of sorts to the world. I'd love to build a dungeon or two and port some of the textures I've used in other games to the Rising World.
    • Better First Person Animations. I don't even see hands when I swing a pickaxe, eat a potato, or lay down some rock.
    • Third Person switching allowed. Who doesn't like to take a good look at themselves?
    • Character Creation. I'd like to take a good look at myself and change up a few things. Hairdo, body type, gender, noses, eyes, ears, claws, hands, race, clothing...
    • Better/Expanded combat. I may be alone on this one, but I prefer ranged and sneaky combat. I love playing mages and archers.
    • Dual Wielding. swords, daggers, stones, different block shapes, I'm all down for all of the above in both hands.
    • Magic System. Fireballs RULE.
    • True physics. I'm kind of miffed about picking a mountain's base out from under it and creating Howl's Moving Castle In the Sky. Down with the Dread Mountain!
    • World Environments. Biomes were enabled which I love, the cold environ needs some work on the tundra so that the white-out stays away from the foliage, but I'm referring more specifically to era environments. Medieval, Primal, City-scape, etc.
    • More Survival Options. Take away the starting pickaxe and axe, enable crafting rudimentary stone axes and picks, bows and arrows, waterskins from the hides of animals, Crafting a campfire in the middle of a grassy field is a BAD IDEA, poultices and herbs enable faster healing, etc.
    • Diseases.
    • User Interface customization. If I already cough when I'm thirsty, get the water bottle out of my sight. Or not. I might want it as a reminder that I'm dying. Let the user decide.
    • More vibrant Biomes. Denser, more variant foliage. If anyone knows Life is Feudal: Your Own, that's what I'm referring to. Their forests are amazing.
    • Better placement options. Doors are off by about 2.5-5 centimeters on the pivot point and on the open positions respectively.

    The Tundra should look more dense, more mountainous, with glaciers and the grass areas should be less desaturated.

    Now that I've labeled my whiny petulant wants and needs,
    1. I love the voxel system. The mining actually looks like teraforming, and it's truly refreshing.
    2. The game actually feels expansive, unlike Skyrim and World of Warcraft you have no idea if/when you're going to encounter new scenery or a change of pace. You can literally get lost and stay lost.
    3. Multiple crafting stations for different needs pleases me.
    4. I love the tree falling animation and sound. It's cool. The tree textures and meshes are also really nice.
    5. The lighting system is on point. Torches are actually useful.
    6. New Animals! Yay!