Posts by MineCralex

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    OFF TOPIC: For some reason I always see this on screenshots on the forums: RED HUNGER & THIRST LEVELS!!!, I personally love to keep my hunger levels bright green! I have more than enough food, like 5 stacks of lettuce and 3 stacks of tomatoes, also i have strawberries, potatoes, and carrots, all in just 5 hours of playing my map!

    Before when playing Minecraft and all, I got so bored with the repetitive blocks and stuff! i searched and searched for a new game that would be fun to play, until I found RISING WORLD! when I saw the trailer on Steam, i absolutely loved the game and instantly bought it. when playing the game, I simply couldnt stop playing for hours and hours straight, what seemed like minuetes passed into hours and eventually i had 9 hours in my Rising World page on my Steam profile. RISING WORLD IS THE BEST, simply amazing game, i can not thank the creators enough. Rising World has met and exceeded my expectations. and whats even better is THE GAME IS STILL IN ALPHA, and yet the game is probably 200 times better than the 99% of games in official release. Rising World has simply blown me away, the quality and cheapness of the game is simply amazing. I dont know how the person looks like or if its an old dude or a young teen, I would like to personally thank the creator of this game, because it is simply so flawless. Everyday I come home from school rising world always cheers me up! the game is so addiciting and good!!! its sooo much better than Minecraft, my previously thought to-be best game. Now the question is: why is the Rising World community so small? this game should have hundreds of millions of players, but it barely has any wiki pages (and most of the ones that are up on there are very short and not descriptive), and both the forums, wiki, and steam pages are so tiny! But on the other hand lets keep the community tight-knit! what happened is when Minecraft was in Alpha itself, it was soo much better than the now official release because the community was so much smaller and there werent 12 yr olds shouting in mics and there werent multi-million dollar youtubers before! I HONESTLY HOPE THIS NEVER HAPPENS TO RISING WORLD! dont the multi-million youtubers take over your game!

    currently, the game has a good ammount of elctronic items including the lamp, ore detector, compass, and clock. However, the abundance of copper ore and the very little use of copper has led me to an interesting thought. why not add wires to the game? and have other electronic devices in the game such as electronic logic gates? such as inverters (not gates), AND gates, NOR gates, XOR gates, etc, etc. This will lead to much more player playing the game because i would now be able to make awesome elctronic things using copper wire! Also it would be cool to add controllable items by electricity that can be turned "on" and "off" such as the lamp. now, Iam fully aware of "redstone" in minecraft and I dont want the type of wire to be in Rising World, copper wire in Rising World should be more "realistic" than redstone in Minecraft. I'am NOT asking for pistons, daylight sensors, dispensers, or hoppers and none of that s*it! what i would be very happy to see is a much better system of copper and electronics in Rising World, i have stacks and stacks of copper in my world and would love for electronic wire and more elctonic things to be added!