Posts by Jaob

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Achso, dann hatte ich dich doch falsch verstanden, sorry.

    Ich dachte, nachdem der Ladebildschirm vorbei ist, soll was angezeigt werden. Das ginge wie gesagt recht einfach.

    Aber soweit ich weiß, geht das mit Plugins (noch) nicht, auch während des Ladebildschirms Bilder/Texte anzuzeigen.

    Hey :)

    Wenn ich das richtig verstehe, möchtest du Bilder und/oder Texte dem Spieler anzeigen, wenn er sich auf den Server connected?

    So was wäre möglich und recht einfach zu realisieren. Reicht es dir, dass ich kurz meine Vorgehensweise schildere (ohne darauf einzugehen, was Objekte/Klassen/Konstruktoren/... sind) oder lieber Quellcode/Quellcode mit Pseudocode?

    Hey :)

    What is this thread about?

    Mainly to give a short overview of existing plug-in projects. If someone starts to write e.g a teleport plug-in and another developer has the same idea, they could connect and develope the plug-in together. I hope this thread will increase the diversity of plug-ins and will help to coordinate the development.

    I will update the list continuously, so if you already working on a plugin or want to start the development you can create a post in this thread with some information like the features of the plugin, the status, how many developers working on it, ...

    The second task of this thread is to collect ideas of new plug-ins others could develope in future (and maybe discuss about if this is realistic do develop), e.g. a plugin thats add new animals or something like that. If you have an idea just post them in this thread and I will add them to the list.

    I will start :D

    Plug-ins currently in development

    • @Jaob

      • RisingDollar - a plug-in which adds money to RisingWorld and the possibilty to create shops (later I want to add companys and so on)

        • 1 Developer
        • Status: currently working on the source code
    • @Miwarre

      • Port to Java of my [Miwarre] LUA script GPS, which implements on-screen coordinates and heading (according to common navigation practices), home and other waypoint position with teleport and on-screen display of distance and heading.

        • 1 developer
        • Status: code complete, waiting for the API implementation for debugging
      • Port to Java of my [Miwarre] LUA script TELevator, which implements the concept of elevator; currently elevators are implemented via teleporting, the plan is to have 'real' elevators, with visible, moving, 3D objects.

        • 1 developer
        • Status: code being worked on

    Plug-ins ideas

    • a plug-in which gives the possibility to create electronic circuits (but I'm not sure if this could be developed with the current API version)

    Hey Miwarre :)

    Quote from Miwarre

    *) accessing a list of published plug-ins from one (or more?) well-known source(s)
    *) downloading selected plug-ins
    *) installing them into the local / dedicated server
    *) uninstalling / removing

    I would add the possibility to search for plug-in updates (so a repository with version control is needed). One annoying task for server admins is to update installed plugins manually, so a list which plug-ins need an update with the choice to update them automatically would be nice.

    Quote from Miwarre

    As plug-ins can be used on local installations, but make most of their sense on dedicated multi-player servers, whether implementing this whole machinery is worth the trouble or not requires careful evaluation.

    In my opinion this is the most important question at the moment :D
    I'am not sure right now, if its worth the trouble.

    • A plug-in manager just makes sense at all if there are enough plug-ins to manage. If someone rewrite the existing lua scripts there are maybe four or five plug-ins. I'am not sure if there will be enough new plug-ins in future for a plugin-manager to makes sense.
    • Most plug-ins will be developed for servers (you actually could use them in singleplayer but e.g. "areaprotection" doesn't make sense at all). Player who would like to play on a server with plug-ins don't have to download the plug-ins (unlike Minecraft which has several Modmanager), so in my opinion a plug-in manager would be used mainly by server owners. Most server owner knows how to install plug-ins manually and because there aren't enough plug-ins it's not complicated to update them (e.g. with a little .sh script).

    Hey :)

    Ich möchte euch gerne meinen Server vorstellen. Dieser hat folgende Hauptfeatures:

    • Es gibt "Creative" und "Survival" Bereiche. In den "Survival" Bereichen ist PvP erlaubt, es spawnen wilde Tiere und es gibt keine AreaProtection. Die "Creative" Bereiche hingegen sind friedlich, da dort PvP nicht erlaubt ist und keine wilden Tiere spawnen.
    • In den "Creative" Bereichen gibt es Grundstücke, die Spieler für sich beanspruchen können (per Chat) und somit das Recht erhalten, dort zu bauen. Wie der Name "Creative" Bereich bereits sagt, wird der Spieler in den Creative-Modus versetzt, sobald er sein Grundstück betritt. Des weiteren besteht die Möglichkeit, andere Spieler zu seinem Grundstück hinzuzufügen, um gemeinsam bauen zu können.
      In dem "Creative" Bereich, wo die Spieler spawnen, gibt es bewusst nur das Spawngebäude. Auf den restlichen Grundstücken drumherum soll eine bunte Vielfalt von Gebäuden von Spielern entstehen.
    • Für größere Bauprojekte können Spieler einen eigenen "Creative" Bereich beantragen.
    • "/setgamemode 1" funktioniert nicht. Gibt sich ein Spieler trotzdem Creative-Rechte, verliert er die Verbindung zum Server.
    • Bei Fragen, Bugs oder anderen Problemen besteht die Möglichkeit, ein Ticket zu schreiben (per Chat), welches dann schnellstmöglich beantwortet wird.
    • Es gibt eine komplette Sprachunterstützung für Deutsch und Englisch (wenn sich Helfer finden, auch gerne in anderen Sprachen).
    • Um sich schnell in verschiedene Bereiche zu bewegen, gibt es die Teleportmöglichkeit.

    Die Features erfordern einige Scripte, die ich gerne zuerst testen möchte, bevor der Server freigeschaltet wird. Wenn sich ein oder zwei Spieler finden würden, um einige Test durchzuführen (oder mit am Spawngebäude bauen wollen), wäre das super (am besten per PN melden). Vielen Dank! :)

    (Der Thread wird, nachdem die Tests abgeschlossen sind, ergänzt durch erste Bilder, die IP und natürlich den Namen des Servers.)

    First, I'm not a native English speaker, so I'm sorry if I have done grammar or spelling mistakes. :D

    I want to introduce my server to you. The main features are:

    • There are "Creative" and "Survival" areas. If you are inside a "Survival" area, PvP is allowed, wild animals spawn and there is no area protection. A "Creative" area has no PvP and wild animals don't spawn so it's really peacfull ;).
    • You can claim unbuilt plots in "Creative" areas and gain the right to build there (via Chat). You will automatically switch into creative mode if you are entering your plot so you can build whatever you want. If you want, you can add your friends to build with you.
      In the spawn area is just the spawn building surrounded by unbuilt plots so in the future it will be a colorfull and diverse city created by many players.
    • To realize large buildings you can ask for your own "Creative" area.
    • "/setgamemodus 1" doesn't work and leads to a disconnect from the server.
    • If you have questions, want to report a bug or have other problems feel free to write a ticket (via chat).
    • Supported languages: English and German.
    • You can use the teleport system to move quickly to a specific area.

    These features requier some scripts I want to test before opening the server. If you have some time to test or to build, I would really appreciate if you send me a PM. Thank you! :)

    (These thread will be updated if the tests are done so I can post first pictures, the name and IP of the server.)

    I totally agree with @LordFoobar


    LUA is fast and does not need to be compiled for on the fly coding

    Maybe you can write code in LUA faster, but if it comes to performance it isn't. In general script languages are slower than compiled programs because they need a Of course the difference isn't important in many cases, but i.e the "PlayerChangeEvent" is trigged if a player changes his position and so every time a lua script will be executed. If there are few players on the server it's no problem but I think with 100 or more player the performance could be bad (in comparision to a pure Java implementation, but I haven't proved that).


    With LUA I can implement something super quick and makes debugging super easy. With Java it will be a nightmare as well as a memory hog.

    This is your opinion. I can implement in Java quicker than in LUA, because I had to use Java for university a lot. It really depends on your experince how fast you can implement in a specific programming/scripting language. Logging in Java is super easy too. :D

    Hey :)

    I'am hosting the Rising World Server on my own virtual root server, so I have to update the server manually. Because there are many updates, it's annoying to do it by myself so I created a little script. But there are some restrictions:

    • the script uses wget to download the new server files
    • the script has to be in the same location as the server folder
    • the server should not run during the update

    The script downloads the new server archiv (tar), creates a backup of you old server folder (in the same location as the script) and then replaces the lib folder and the server.jar.

    Feel free to use or change it in any way you want if you haven't already an update script :).

    Hallo :)

    Ich wollte mal ganz frech nachfragen, wie weit es mit der neuen API steht? Ob Lua oder Java ist für mich persönlich egal (wobei Java natürlich mehr Möglichkeiten bietet), aber die aktuelle API stößt doch schnell an ihre Grenzen (mein aktuelles Problem ist, dass ich gerne Items aus einer Kiste entweder ins Inventar eines Spielers oder in eine andere Kiste transferieren oder als gedropptes Item benutzen möchte - was leider, sofern ich richtig geguckt habe, alles nicht möglich ist per Skript).

    Ich finde Rising Worlds echt super und habe noch 1000 Ideen, die ich gerne umsetzen würde.

    Danke für eure Arbeit! :)
