Posts by Lykavia

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    Growing moss and cutting some and spreading it around could be fun and useful to hide a secret cave entrance or other kinds of networks to your hideout. Great to make a building look pretty old covered in moss. I wanted to make a grotto with it. But it needs a water fountain & water flow. There could be other kinds of moss with flowers.

    Growing vines to cut and spread around and grows on anything and can be climbable. The poison ivy may be good to ward off animals or used in traps if a person wishes.

    I had been deep deep underground and once i saw red stone below, i took a peek below. Oh what evil creatures could have spawned in the deep caves. It took me along time to get out up to the surface as if physics were added to the game for the mine carts, powered rail boosters would be useful to get me to the top just quick enough. I could not even find enough of anything so i thought it was best if there was more iron & coal and abundant of other things.

    How will the elevators work for us? could it be with a rope pulley? old style elevator to support a mine cart? They could come in different sizes and i have no clue on the limit they could reach to the depths. I always thought if there was cave goblins and some may be blind and hunt by sound if you move.

    We could find catnip plants that grow in the wild and use them to tame a cat. It pretty much gives me an idea that they will have to like you enough to be accepted by you. Maybe give them a couple of fish or catnip and grow some on your farm patch.

    Taming a dog with bones that randomly spawn around that looks like predators has been there. Or if your digging around and you find some that is buried. Dogs may be more useful to tell if there is predators near by as they are growling. They bark or whine at times. Would it be great to teach a dog to hunt and come back with something rare as treasure. There could be a option menu on the pets on what we can make them do, such as tricks or go fetch. Could our dogs be smart to go into a chest and retrieve us what we want, such as an item. Different breeds of dogs would be nice.

    There is pigs that is smart as or smarter than dogs. Taming pigs with their favorite kind of food. i seen them do puzzles and good with color matching. They could have a few toys to play with to keep themselves busy such as the cats & dogs.

    If there might be pizza added to the game, there could be anchovies added from fishing them. For the fishing system i thought about cage fishing for crabs or lobsters.
    For net fishing we could see a school of fish moving around that has a few spawn in a area with a time limit so it don't go overboard with the spawning. We would have to work on our aim and as we hold down left click and release, it will throw the net.

    Cage fishing would be a simple task if we had bait for them. It gave me and idea to me today when i went to work, it was raining as i walk to work and i saw a ton of earthworms on the side walk and concrete. So there must be rain in the game to increase our chance to find bait as earthworms. Fish also has a big spawning chance while it rains and we find much rare fish then. We should be able to collect the worms when we see them wiggle to the surface and we just collect them as we see them.

    There could be other bait to attract other kinds of fish. Harpoons could be another great tool if there is bigger kinds or fish or defending yourself from other predators. Will this add alligators to the game if there is a swamp biome? Alligators would be a nice idea for other peoples moat of death if they wish. Pythons will be a nice addition to the swamp or they like to roam to other biomes. I thought alot about pythons being tamable for being a nice pet.