Posts by Jarda

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I understand perfectly the current development state, don't worry. :)
    Then I guess I have some "work" waiting for me now.
    Thank you very much for the tips, and for the fast response as well! Keep on the awesome work!

    (P.S.: I only noticed about the already existent topic about translations after I've finished posting. I will assume it is fine to post my pt-BR translation there as soon as I finish it. :thumbup: )

    Hello folks, I'm proud to present you the Brazilian Portuguese Language Pack for Rising World.
    From now on, I will update the attachment as the game updates comes out.
    Now a brief description for the target users:

    :!: [Portuguese] Olá pessoal, é com muita alegria que disponibilizo aqui a tradução de Rising World em Português Brasileiro.
    Daqui para frente farei o possível para manter esta tradução atualizada, na medida em que o jogo receber atualizações.
    Para instalar, basta baixar o anexo no final do post, descompactar e executar a instalação.
    Qualquer dúvida pode ser postada aqui no tópico.
    Divirtam-se! :)

    [You can read the original message below, posted before the project started]