Basically it's already possible to create separate pvp areas with the plugin API
However, since it's our intention to add some sort of protection script to the game anyway, we will think about a way to handle pvp/pve in a similar way. But maybe it's still preferable to have a separate plugin for that, since that would be fully customizable then
I don't have any degree in IT etc. but I can only image how much effort does it takes to create something as perfect as Rising World but it's not what I really want to say.
So to the point; about the PvE- PvP zones(I'm aware of that it could be distant Future) if this area would be generated like a biom for e.g Dark forest with more aggressive habitat with harder PvE, surviving, like lacking water or it has to be prepared before drinking etc. That would be also pretty nice place to have PK, which is nowadays misused with PvP.
Of course this zone should be having different graphics layout to make it easy to tell if this is a zone where I can die by getting killed by other player or not. Then it would be something for players who like to fight and also some safe place for those who doesn't want. It could be like jing-jang the balance, and the magic, one world would be fullyfied with sweet creatures and the other would be just the opposite. It would help to connect PvE and PvP in game. Then also magic could be divided into the 2, the dark one and the light one.