Posts by UVmatician

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam

    I like your idea for the dungeons being non-destructible and having a specific entrance. Dungeons are all about gameplay after all and it's hard to have good hand-crafted gameplay when it's so easy to break like it is in minecraft.
    I like what you say about having a peaceful farm and your cottage, except for the fact that nothing ever happens to your peaceful farm or cottage at the moment.
    I mean I like peaceful farming games like Harvest Moon, but in those games stuff can happen to your farm. NPC's can come visit it, your animals can get sick, you occasionally get storms, and weeds, and winter comes and kills all your crops each year.

    First off I want to say I'm really enjoying the game. I think the developer(s) are doing a great job.

    Just some suggestions I have:

    Bears should stop following you after a while. - I was playing with my girlfriend and we were being chased by two bears, so we dug underground to try to get away, but even though we dug a long ways underground we could still hear the bears up above following us. I think this could be remedied by making the bears "give up" if they fail to land a hit on you after a certain period of time.

    New Default Key for Drop Item. - Currently the default key for drop item is Q, which is very easy to press by accident, since it's close to W. My girlfriend and I accidentally pressed this a couple times dropping axes and pickaxes. Which then disappeared, either because they fell through the level or just disappeared. I'd recommend a new default key for drop item, like / or something.

    Fix falling through world when re spawning after dieing. - Sometimes when playing on LAN (I was the server) I would die and when I respawned the terrain would not be fully loaded around me, rather it would only be loaded in patches. I would often fall through the terrain and die again. Sometimes I also fell through the terrain just by clipping through walls during normal gameplay but it would most often happen when respawning after death. If this is not easily fixable due to limitations in the physics engine I would recommend a workaround fix, like teleporting up automatically when you fall through the terrain rather than just dying when you reach a certain depth.

    Stone Tools. - It would be nice if you could craft some stone pickaxes and axes with your bare hands from wood and rocks that you find, like in ARK, for when you lose your pickaxe and axe (from accidentally hitting the Q key ;) )

    More enemies/ night enemies and Treasure. - I was really happy to see this in the list of planned features for the game. Because, in my opinion, this is one of the features most needed to add more complete fun and challenging gameplay. I like the idea of more monsters that come around and threaten your constructions and your safety. I like the idea of vampires, werewolves, giant spiders, snakes, orcs, and goblins. I like how in minecraft enemies come around at night. I think it would be really cool if you weren't allowed to go to sleep in your tent in Rising World if there were enemies too close by. I think there should be dangerous areas, that the game warns you somehow "You are entering a dangerous area." But also there should be wandering enemies that you should be warned in advance that they are coming. Like "A dragon is coming and will arrive in three days." Or, "A horde of goblins is coming and will arrive in two days." So that you have to build your defenses for when they arrive or evacuate your home.
    I think it would also be really cool if there were dungeons and castles belonging to monsters that have treasure inside of them. Maybe after you claim the treasure, another treasure of equal value respawns in the dungeon if you go away and leave it for awhile. Also the monsters will rebuild the dungeon so that it has all traps and things in place for when you return. If for some reason you don't want the dungeon to be rebuilt you could maybe place a magic "Light orb" by the dungeons "Core orb" which would prevent it from being rebuilt until you removed the light orb.
    Also potentially the castles, dungeons, and fortresses could be the spawn points for the wandering beasts that will travel the map and that you are warned about, so shutting them down may be in your best interests.