Posts by CitruShark

The official Rising World Soundtrack is available!
You can also get the Soundtrack on Steam


    I was really glad to see some of the things I suggested in the past had actually made it in game! (frameless beds, skinning/fleshing/tanning mechanics, leather; not saying I'm the only one to suggest those things of course!) So I thought I would throw some ideas that have been rattling in my head for a bit in hopes something resembling it could be possible for the future

    I'm sure I'm not the only person who is very nit-picky about having planks/beams/poles to be lined up as closely as possible, but can never get them aligned well enough and rage quit whatever project I aspired to make (even with the set/r/p/l all on 1)
    Too many times has this happened to me and I would like to be able to build some great things without tearing my hair out over trying to keep things as seamless as possible, so I wanted to throw in a few solutions to this issue with creative building to see if any are feasible features for future updates (like I've said in the past, I know nothing about game creation/programming, so I can't gauge the logistics of implementing them)

    1. Unfrozen Positioning- While being able to freeze a construction element in place is very useful for alignment, I find it equally problematic. Because if I want something to accurately align I have to play a guessing game on where to freeze an item in place to be at the right amount of distance for the positioning xyz value points to line up where I want them to, and as you probably guess it's a very tedious thing. I also think it would help to be able to enable transparency/intersecting placement via command key instead of having the block/plank/pole auto-stacking.

    2. Coordinate Input: another suggestion is the ability to manually put in the xyz coordinates for your active construction item. Because this is an open world game I'd figure it would need to work by isolating a small area by highlighting blocks to work on (like with Blueprint creation). I don't know if inserting xyz values this could be a Command Control input or done via a unique type box opened up via keybinding. I'm not too confident if this one could work well

    3. Item Subtraction/'Hollowing'- Like with the terrain tools, have a setting in creative construction for your selected item to essentially cookie-cut out an area of an existing plank/beam/pole. This further expands possibilities and methods for unique creation; I know I would be absolutely enthralled to be able to just place a wood pole and align a smaller one to hollow it out and make fast and easy pots/cauldrons/pipes/rings (creating those manually are the bane of my existence)

    I hope you guys like/support any of my suggestions ;) Personally I like the idea of item subtracting, who knows what crazy shapes you can make?

    Also, I'd be curious to know if anyone has managed to successfully get a texturepack to work since the water update? I have been trying to just run simple tests to get a texture to appear through a custom texturepack and have tried overwriting the 'blank space' textures, but both methods have resulted in just simply not appearing or crashing the game (all files I've used are in the .dds format)

    I hope someone has been/will be able to figure out how to get custom textures to work post water update!

    I have seen some players able to create some very creative blueprints by what I would logically assume is through the means of using more textures for the wooden planks and beams. To my knowledge no clear tutorial is available for this, whether it's importing new texturepacks or just making the game block textures available for planks/beams. I believe there have been blueprints posted with modified plank/beam textures since the water update, so I would only assume it's still possible. (I should also note that I have not installed any blueprints into my game, so I don't know how it works regarding any texture replacement)

    So if anyone would be willing to take the time to explain how you can do this or direct me to a possible guide that I've overlooked (most probably if it were in the German Speakers group of the forum. A typed out tutorial would be manageable enough for me to translate myself, but something like a YouTube video without any scripted English CC would be impossible to get any translated info)

    Any help is very greatly appreciated!

    The current forum posts regarding on how to go about creating your own texturepacks have been outdated for quite a while now, so I think a post with more up to date information would greatly aid aspiring texture modders. Personally I would like to know if it's possible at this time to create textures for wood planks + beams; I have seen some players using modded textures on a blueprint video or two, but to my knowledge there is no actual guide to doing this (unless there's someplace I'm not looking?)

    This game is still very early in development and I know even texture mods are very experimental at this point, but it's something I would really like to try my hands at :)

    I am not sure how much been has changed with the water update, so any information regarding that would be greatly appreciated. (I have not been successful in having any texturemaps show up in my games so I'm curious to know if the .dds switch has been implemented yet)

    Thanks for reading!

    With only a select few kinds of beds to currently choose from (as to expect in Alpha), I think one of the simplest solutions to opening up more variation/creativity is to just have the bed mattress available as an object. That way players could construct their own variety of bed bases and frames, or just have the option to go without if you’re building with only the basic necessities, or want to replicate the bedding customs of specific cultures/time periods. (The first example that immediately comes to mind is the traditional Japanese styled room (washitsu) where one sleeps on the floor in a futon bed)

    I also think it would be more efficient for beds to incorporate an adjustable length x width sizing mechanic, seeing all the different sizes mattresses can come in…7/Mattress-Size-Guide.jpg

    Ending with a final idea, I think it’d be a neat addition to have a hammock bed type (beachside r&r for the water update anyone? xD)

    Thoughts always appreciated, I would love to know if any of these concepts could be considered or are already possibly planned for future updates!

    I've been really amazed to see what people have been able to create with RW current building mechanics to create their own makeshift furniture which the game currently lacks at present time. I've been trying to scour the blueprints forum along with the steam forums and YouTube to find some blueprints to use or learn how to make, but unfortunately due to the fact a large portion of the community are German speakers I am likely missing content that would show up only in German tags/keywords.

    So if you know where to find some creative furniture blueprints, I would be more than thankful for links! I'm mainly looking for low tech/improvised furniture that would fit in a pre-industrial era / impoverished conditions. I'm looking for objects that would fit nicely in something like a medieval cruck house/ peasant cottage. In particular I'm looking for some sort of bucket or pot that is hollowed out and could serve as a decorative chamber pot xD

    Thanks for reading!

    The one aspect of RW that really excites me is being able to have control on how primitive or how advanced you want your world to be, being able to make one save a modern world but another you have the minimal technology of the Stone Age or Bronze Age, and this allows you to further create a unique world (: I really love the idea of further incorporating specific cultures within the architectural design, technological advancements/limitations, and furniture. I hope Red plans to release furniture types that are based off of a variety of civilizations and their ornamental styles.

    I'm hoping to see some more primitive/improvised versions of some of the furniture in the future. There definitely needs to be more basic types of toilets xD I would also like to see more cooking tools/items for the fireplace/hearth: cranes, tripods, and spits for suspended cooking (ones made out of sticks and and cast iron ones), and be able to craft mattresses without any preexisting frame to let you sleep on the floor or build a custom bed post.

    Has a picture of the horse model been posted? I'm curious to see it!

    I did have Skyrim's tanning rack in mind and thought some similar basic mechanisms it has would work well in RW!
    I've yet to see it discussed myself which I found pretty surprising, since its one of the first resources that comes to mind when it comes to surviving and starting from nothing, it was very essential for primitive mankind.

    I sort of just wanted to outline the basics for a tanning and leather work system, I'm really not sure how complex the actual game mechanics should be or how realistic it should be compared to the real process. Maybe you would need to craft a Skinning Knife in order to collect the resource from animal carcasses. But when it comes to involving the other steps, it would end up a tedious multi-step process, as it is in real life xD and different tanning methods require different steps. I could see the possibility of adding a simplified mechanic for 2 methods of tanning processes: Traditional Native American Smoke tanning and Vegetable/Bark Tanning, but I think the additional mechanics would need to be multipurpose within the game to be incorporated or incorporate an existing mechanic. For Native American tanning it would involve having to smoke the hide via the Grill or Smoker to get the finished product.

    Rising World is the game I have been waiting and wishing for many years (: With a versatile building system that allows the most creative freedom I've seen in any of the crafting games I've experienced, this game leaves me giddy for what it has in store for the future!So with that being said, I would like to contribute some aspects I would personally love to see implemented into the game.

    Crafting Station- Tanning Rack: The use of animal skins and furs has been a vital resource for human survival and the growth of civilizations. A tanning rack could be potentially used to craft a huge variety of objects, from wearables (like armor!), furniture/décor, and could even be used for constructing shelters (something I would love in order to make structures like tipis, yurts, and lavvus).

    The raw resource would obviously be obtained from any animal you kill; I think it would be more interesting to have many of the creatures’ skins be kept a unique resource and not be clumped together as just ‘animal skin’, and to have further influence on what can be crafted out of it.
    For small to medium sized animals the term “Skin” is used or sometimes “Pelt”, though the latter usually refers to heavily furred animals like as foxes and rabbits. For larger animals it is more often called a “Hide”, especially for thick skinned creatures.

    Some Crafting Material Ideas:

    • Leather (Strips)- could be used as a basic resource for crafting a variety of objects
    • Leather- perhaps even certain types of leather can be obtained from certain animals, such as Goatskin and Cowhide
    • Fur- can only be obtained from certain animal skins, currently foxes and rabbits are the only animals in game that are used traditionally as furbearers. Could be a material needed in crafting certain clothing to be a lining/insulator.
    • Rawhide
    • Parchment

    Craftable Object Ideas:

    • Leather Clothing/Armor Pieces- It would be neat to have the leather of the animal impact the effectiveness and possible appearance of it; timid animal leather crafting low/no protection and looking more like clothes, and leather from retaliatory & aggressive providing higher protection (aggressive the highest amount) and looking more like armor itself.
    • New Furniture Types- could allow the inclusion of new chairs, couches, and beds with leather and/or fur upholstery
    • Boots and Hats
    • Horse Gear (Saddle, Harness)- I believe horses are already planned to be included at some point?
    • Rugs- decorative furniture, I think it’d be best to be selective on what creatures this can be crafted from due to the sensitive subject of poaching
    • Leather Canteen- also known as a bota bag, can be used to collect and store water or other liquids. They were traditionally made from goatskin.
    • Drums!

    Like I’ve said, I would love for leather to be a material that could be used for building vernacular structures, such as tipis and other dwellings that have been used historically by different cultures and continue to be used by many nomadic nationalities from around the world.

    And on the subject of nomadic construction, I would love for the incorporation of other types of building materials, specifically those that can behave more akin to roofing/siding material (like the game's current wood planks with their ability to be rotated and layered/overlapped).

    The Loom could be used to craft textiles out of many different materials, potentially having its own construction format of material sheets/mats that could possibly have adjustable sizing, essentially being its equivalent to the Saw Bench’s wood planks (This on its own could be used for flooring or creating decorative rugs). The game's existing Cloth material could be implicated for this use (perhaps a certain number of cloth being able to be crafted into a mat/sheet of cloth).

    Below I’ve listed some potential crafting materials which were/are used by different nomadic peoples in constructing their shelters.

    • Leather Sheets- as mentioned above, used by many different indigenous nomadic peoples (more commonly for mobile or semi-permanent dwellings)
    • Felt- traditionally made from pressed wool. The most common material used to cover the mobile yurt used by nomads of the Asiatic steppes. In game could be crafted with a Loom, and could be further used extensively in crafting
    • Thatch- can be made from a variety of plants, such as grass/hay/straw, brushwood, reeds, palm leaves, etc. Historically and still widely used to construct roofs and is synonymous with specific cultural design (such as the traditional architecture style of the Polynesian Islands )- Could be crafted via Loom in the game, and has the potential for extensive crafting use as well
    • Bark Sheets- this was one of the more common materials Native American wigwams were covered with; in game a wood plank with a bark texture would probably work well, and be crafted via the Saw Bench

    I have little experience in game making so I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these ideas would be too difficult to actually incorporate within RW, I just wanted to share some ideas that could allow even more creative freedom in constructing (: I would love to hear other people's ideas as well!